
@astidcrisse: I don't imagine anyone in the NHL administration has much interest in seeing the Habs win.

@JohanPaladin: I'm just relieved she didn't go with "If I be'd a boy", which the kids would tell me is cool (were they capable of speaking English).

@Rika: I would say that this analysis is most relevant to game designers. It is important to understand underlying mechanics of the medium (like this one) so that we can move things forward by iterating on them and/or subverting them.

@Ad-hominem: The PoP mechanic is a textbook example of what this article advocates; the game explicitly separates the retelling of the story from the actual plot. A game like Ocarina of Time (and many, many others) simply implies this rather than coming out and state it, which is not necessarily an inferior option.

@TheBlackHole25: I would suggest, however, that PS:T's device is interesting and integral to the plot, while Bioshock's is badly contrived. I think in Bioshock's case it would be have been better to simply use an unspoken checkpoint system (ie: an extra-diegetic system) and avoid weakening the plot with the silly

@BigManMalone: It may be irrelevant in determining the quality of the game, but he isn't talking about overall quality; he is arguing, very specifically, that a story is not made incoherent by the inclusion of gamey elements because these elements should be viewed as extra-diegetic. By the same token, if a book has a

Apparently Blur is about to make me its bitch.

@NeoTechni: It is unlikely that Microsoft will intentionally decide to have piss-poor quality control the next time around; I think that cost them more money than it cost us.

@Chewblaha: You're worried about getting beat up by the Sedin twins?

Gabe is right. Many mistakes were made with the design of the PS3, and it really isn't a good idea to let a major hardware manufacturer get away with something like that (unless you want the next generation of consoles to be even harder to develop for).

@xxnike629xx: Killing millions and millions of people: Fun for the whole family.

@Shinryoma: Macs can totally right click. They have a super secret hidden right mouse button that is the very opposite of good product design both because it is difficult to use and because the mouse's continuous surface does not afford the clicking of its right side in any way.

@Ninja-Blowfish: Of course, any giant penis is a hero by default.

All this demonstrates is that there are a lot of really shitty 360 exclusives out there; at the higher end the systems are comparable in terms of volume.

@icedrake523: The difference between homage and ripoff is quality.

Yeah Cliff, that was definitely the biggest problem with Gears of War 2.

@OfficerJesus: You could say that about any sport.

I wore a helmet because I found it completely stupid that anyone would go into a gunfight without one.

@krishna830: Gonna be tough if the Canadiens have to face a real hockey team in the west, but they may actually have a shot.