Man, I really don't want to pay $60-70 for a 2-3 hour game. Drop the production cost/time, drop the price, and I am happy.
Man, I really don't want to pay $60-70 for a 2-3 hour game. Drop the production cost/time, drop the price, and I am happy.
@Egotte: And people were complaining about blocky FMVs on the 360 version of FF XIII.
@curly haired boy: To be fair, Remedy has a lot more street cred.
The used game market is very similar to piracy.
@Taggart6 thinks you should check out #MH3Lounge: I've got an underlying point for her... Boom!
@PACKFAN4LIFE: I find sometimes it's easy to be Greenday.
Finally, a use for all those F-22s.
@Dr.Rabbit: Even though RollerCoaster Serial Murderer was scrapped in the design phase, much of the soundtrack still made it in.
I hope it will be a Citizen Kane remake, but with rollercoasters.
@ShaggE: Restarreded: Fight dirty with QWERTY? Hearted.
Genres are an example of video game culture. They often have interesting historical origins and a definition that is subjective and changes over time. Do we really want them to become in essence a piece of marketing aimed squarely at the unengaged? Think about terms like 'film noir' and 'exploitation' (or…
@CloserDivision: Yep. Gears of War is not about survival in the same way Die Hard is not about survival; obviously people are trying to kill you, but you are inevitably going to whoop their ass with big guns. Children of Men is about survival.
@Britton Peele: The truly sad thing is that that may actually have been what Nintendo's target audience was like. "Hey you, ugly nerdy kid! Buy this game and you can impress the cool kids with your Nintendo!"
@chopblock: Gotta play 5v5 competitive.
I hope this is a test run for a sequel a la TF2, though it may be a fool's hope.
@Sam fisher's a aimbot: The original CS guys are working on a spiritual successor over in Korea I think.
@chopblock: It's the opposite of shallow. CS is about depth, as opposed to breadth; there isn't a lot of stuff you can do, but you have to do it very well to be competitive.
@AncientUnknown1: It turned out to be a bad idea for a number of reasons. The price of things like body armor skyrocketed while the extra cost of staple weapons like the AWP didn't seem to discourage anyone from buying it; a couple of second-tier weapons like the Clarion saw a little bit more use, but they didn't…
@Danza: I think the word for CS is "elemental". It is about synchronized movement and aiming, not too many bells or whistles.
Woo! SMBC!