@Manly_McBeeferton: Oral fixation.
@Manly_McBeeferton: Oral fixation.
@Killer Toilet: "The iRack looks unstable!"
@Goldwings: Sun tip #3 - The suns hot bro: I feel like Doom would have been much more successful if they tried to make it like the original games; a special-effects heavy, overblown action movie with big guns blowing up ugly monsters. Dude grabs a shotgun and grins sinisterly; various sight gags about the…
@Grive: And in addition to "absorbing" the costs of certification, the publisher also absorbs a shitload of sales revenue. This would work out great for Microsoft especially, because they could make certification so inexpensive that they would hardly have to give them anything.
@Gargus: Too true. I wrote just such a program this weekend for a comp science class.
@GravyNelson: I would even claim that the desensitization is a defense mechanism that helps people cope with being forced to kill. Given the choice between killing in a more casual way and killing while going crazy, the decision is simple.
@Hirashin: That is pretty sexy.
@NoHoldsBarred: The primary advantage of working with a big publisher on XBLA titles is that the publisher can help with stuff like certification, QA, marketing, etc.... Machinarium doesn't really need help with any of those things. So what would happen is they sign with the publisher, and the publisher proceeds to …
@uncle_paul: Are you implying that rap is not to be taken seriously? That is bullshizzle, dawg.
@miquonranger03: I'm sure the actual resolution is readable. But the sample needs to be readable too, preferably in its entirety. Why would anyone pay for the thing when they can't even see what's on it?
@miquonranger03: Yep. Mr. Designer Dude doesn't want a high-res image floating around the internet so that people have to buy his poster from him. Unfortunately he fails to realize that the vast majority of the thing he is trying to sell is completely unreadable at the resolution he provides, which makes it fucking…
Maybe when Ms. Jovovich meets up with Leon and the gang she can explain to them that is in fact possible to move and shoot at the same god damn time.
@Komrade Kayce: You have to keep in mind though, the adultery has been holding back his golf game for many years now. Tiger could hit a hole in one on every shot if he wanted to, but he has come to prefer the albatross and the birdie because one hole just isn't enough.
1) Strippers get paid by people.
Other enemies that are more annoying than bosses: Like Likes, floormasters, lickers, those bike guys in Final Fantasy XIII, and any of the Trigens from Far Cry.
@senselocke: Yeah, but Z targeting was totally Navi's thing.
@badass.geek: Preferably a role in which he is fired.
@spackalicious: Do you suffer from 15-dollars-in-your-bank-accountathy?