
@dracosummoner: I think a better metric would be a ratio of how many games people buy to how many they steal, factoring in things like when the game came out and how much it costs. I was not surprised by the 79% PC thing, but I was definitely surprised by the 51% console stat.

@Wheema: My god, I think it is.

Zelda is a genre now. There is no longer such a thing as a Zelda clone.

@Lagi: Uh, so you're saying that higher review standards would entail reviewing shittier games in addition to good ones?

Maybe she could star in a DS game about a girl who is too thin. Then this post could be about video games!

It is a well known fact that Pikachu is a socialist.

Space Taffers, here we come.

@chrollo0427: Usually I don't say this sort of thing (criticizing people's appearance on the internet is not a favorite pastime of mine), but some of those women are BARF NASTY.

Congratulations, GameCrush, on making phone sex lines respectable.

Neither McDonalds nor Nintendo care whether you're healthy; they just prefer to appear as if they do.

@DataShade: Molyneux never got why god made Jesus a human in the first place. I mean, shouldn't he be like an enormous anthropomorphic tiger?

@DaemonGildas: You mean you aren't depressed that you can't live with Navi in their idyllic alien paradise?

Punkbuster, Valve. Punkbuster.

@Poul Wrist: If they remade it even once I'd be happy.

@deisama: It's more like putting a booth in the mall that charges you $400 to get punched in the face; I guess if you want to spend an exhorbitant amount of money on an unfun experience that you could probably get for free, there's an app for that.

@deisama: Saying "it's only the quality of YOUR app that matters" seems rather naive, doesn't it? This is a well-recognized problem in places like the App Store or even the Wii Shop Channel; there is so much crap and insufficient tools for parsing it, resulting in an unfavorable situation for the better developers and

Surely you weren't expecting a Japanese voice actress to not also be a model?

@winshape: That sounds preferable to having an actual war.

@Kolian: Go Canucks Go.