
@Blore07: I don't see why they're dropping him.

@ANENEMY: P2P music downloading kick-started the downfall of massive labels that exploit both their artists and their consumers. If anything, the music scene is bigger than it ever was, though its profit distribution doesn't spike quite as badly near the top.

@Rear Admiral Meatwad: Yes. You must pay. Pay the random Ebay guy for his broken ass cartridge, stick it in your Super Famicom that you keep in your entertainment center next to your other 16 game consoles, and play that thing all the way through to the end in one shot because the memory in the cartridge is fucked.

The Razer DeathAdder: Greatest mouse, or GREATEST mouse?

@Rear Admiral Meatwad: Long story short, World War II was a really bad time for the vast majority of Japanese people.

@Nexus6: I dunno. I think if you did a spectral douchebag distribution you would find some interesting results.

@NoBullet: Man, if anyone still thinks they're fighting World War II it's the States. But I see what you did there.

These laws are not enforceable. There is simply no way to determine how old any given character looks, whether they are photographed, animated, or rendered.

@fELIXADER: Well, all combat RPGs is about numbers going up and down. DPS is damage per second, ie: How fast the other guy's numbers are going down. If his numbers go down faster than your numbers, you win!

Zelda: OoT: Hoot hoot, toot toot, LISTEN!

@SlashZaku: It would certainly be interesting if Crytek could push this thing into the mainstream, but I don't know if their company can provide the same level of support Epic does. It may exist as a 'specialty' engine for more daring developers, like id's Doom3 engine ended up being.

@Zimmbous: I suspect all of that stuff happens 'below the skin', with various schemes for simulating different muscle movements that produce facial expressions. Improvement in facial animation is probably not so much about how good the final result can be as how long it would take to achieve that result.

@TheSolarKnight: If I recall, there was a big stink about how CryEngine 2 did not use deferred lighting, a technique that tends to increase performance with lots of dynamic light sources. In DX9, deferred lighting made hardware antialiasing impossible (which is why a lot of newer games are incapable of doing correct

@N-Robes: The Rembrandt reference was a pleasant surprise; I'm not so sure about the wings of wax stuff. I suppose I understand the symbolism, but it lacks subtlety. And since I think we're all expecting this to be some sort of Gears-plus-token-RPG-mechanics monstrosity, the whole thing comes off as a bit cheap.

@Frosted Mini-Wheats: Deus Ex was an experimental game from an experimental era, widely regarded by hardcore PC types as one of the best video games ever produced. It features sandbox game mechanics, multilinear plotlines (relatively good ones!), FPS/RPG hybridity that doesn't skimp on either end, and some pretty good

@Evdor: And if wishful thinking is all we got, we'll keep on thinking wishful thoughts.

@Patient: Doesn't his comment there kind of miss the point, though? People want a remake of Deus Ex because they don't trust the publishers to make something good. The message is not "We don't want change!", it's "We don't trust you to give us the change we want".

If you want people to use your level up system, you have to make the game difficult enough to warrant leveling up. Forcing the experience system into the very act of operating the controller because it is otherwise only incidental to the game experience would seem to indicate that the system has no functional purpose

It is now officially on.

Alternative idea: Sabotage Japanese condoms?