
Oh man, Double Switch. I loved that game.

Poker Face is in fact one of the most realistic video games ever conceived, in that lets you accurately experience the sensation of a jackhammer ripping through your skull.

@GoonerVance: If your second comment was limited to relative ease of use, then so was my first.

Gun safety = important

@MrGOH: It's a rhetorical technique called comparison and contrast, embellished for effect. Pretty reasonable really for a blog post about sex minigames.

@GoonerVance: So controllers are better because they're harder to use?

From now on, Valve titles will avoid using confusing names like '2' or '3' to keep track of their sequels. 'Left Tiger Dead Cougar' will be coming in 2011, as will 'Half-Life Bullmoose'.


@GoonerVance: There would be no need to hack against gamepad users, so thoroughly could you trounce them with a mouse in an autoaim-free environment. But yes, there is in general more hacking on the PC than on consoles.

Congratulations, Ubisoft. Everyone said your plan was stupid and you were going to look like assholes, and lo and behold, your plan is conspicuously stupid and you look like assholes. No one delivers on low expectations quite like you.

@Alex_Mexico: Porting to the Mac makes sense because the Mac hardware platform is now essentially exactly the same as the PC minus DirectX support; in short, if you can make the Source engine run on OpenGL, you can put Source games on mac.

I believe piracy is rampant in China and Brazil, and also not so good in Russia; I don't think anyone can produce useful numbers about that, though, so who can say whether the investment would be profitable. Uncertainty is bad.

@relatively_speaking: Try to see it from Activision's perspective. Not making crappy games would constitute putting the fun back into video game development; it's a conflict of interest.

Similar thought: Print a sequence of stills selected at random from a given film on each ticket stub for that film.

This is why you should play the original Fallout games.

Seems like a win-win for Ubisoft. They release their game with horrifying DRM and see how it goes. People who are uneducated about DRM will buy it anyway; if it turns out that DRM is limiting sales amongst informed gamers, they can simply patch it out to gain back many of those lost buyers.

@Vescosein: The real pirates have no bearing whatsoever on the need for DRM, because DRM does not work on experienced computer users. The only people for whom DRM poses a significant problem are those with extremely limited technical know-how.

Fortunately, everybody on the whole cell block is dancing to the jailbreak rock.