This was known well in advance. If people were concerned about playing Destiny, they had ample warning about PS4 exclusive content.
This was known well in advance. If people were concerned about playing Destiny, they had ample warning about PS4 exclusive content.
It's more about how Microsoft totally screwed up the launch of the original XBox and a lot less about World War 2.
At this point, isn't everyone involved basically contributing to the Streisand Effect keeping the pictures alive for perpetuity? Wouldn't it be better to just own up to them and let it play out and go away instead of keeping them in the public conscience?
Still not buying it new now when it does hit PS4. I will pirate for PC or buy it used in order to not give Square Enix and Crystal Dynamics my dollar, since they were acting like they didn't want it yesterday.
All of Marvel's "hero replacement" stories suck just because they have to return to the status quo eventually. The Cap story sucks worse since Marvel went to the trouble to establish that Cap's body naturally produces the serum naturally after they decided to replace Nick Fury with a version more closely resembling…
Elizabeth Malecki was the original Sonya, Kerri Hoskins didn't come into the series until MKIII when they replaced a number of the original cast due to a lawsuit.
Well, there is that section of Mass Effect 2 when you have to play as Joker.
Angel Eyes is Van Cleef, Blondie was Eastwood. Otherwise you're right.
Unfortunately, Hope was the best healer in the game. It took a lot of work to get Vanille close to on par with Hope.
And, as I should have said earlier, if you HONESTLY believe that Microsoft was going to give you ten, unlimited use digital keys to Halo 5 for $60, you're either naive, stupid or both. The only specifics that ever came out about the family plan were in a dropbox document that was posted on 4chan's /b/ board from a…
Microsoft never revealed their Family Plan, it was a bullet point on a list that was never detailed, so you don't know that it was "for a full version of any licensed-to-profile game."
I'm implying that it may be correct, but citing Wikipedia isn't a very good method of doing things. For all we know, you could have edited it right before you posted it here to prove your point, especially since you're coming off as a bit of a douche.
Well, you went to Wikipedia, so it MUST be correct even though there's no date on PC.
Simultaneous release on Playstation and MS-DOS/Windows in the UK, which is where it was initially released. So yes, his statement is correct. Remember, it was out in the UK for a long time before it hit the US.
There's an Abstergo research facility on the island in one of the DLC minipacks.
Far Cry too.
I wish people would stop taking about the Master Chief collection like it's a real thing until someone at Microsoft announces or comments on it. At this moment, the only source that it exists at all is Engadget. It's just like the Call of Duty remasters, getting people's hopes up over something totally unconfirmed.
Here's a thought: maybe Harmonix shouldn't have pissed on their Playstation fanbase for the entirety of the PS3/360 generation, and then come with hands out for this. Disclaimer, I've donated to the project, despite my objections.
They never confirmed that they were letting physical copies hit resale, because they had already changed their policies before they showed their hands. 24 hour checkin on disc based games was making an assumption that every customer was a criminal, and was requiring them to shoulder the burden of proof that they…