When you're discussing an American company whose console is pretty much only dominant in North America, I think it's fair.
When you're discussing an American company whose console is pretty much only dominant in North America, I think it's fair.
Not talking speeds, talking infrastructure. I have a friend in Arkansas who lives in a major college town, less than five miles off one of the major east to west interstate corridors. His only option is satellite because cable and AT&T don't offer service where he is.
That's still no excuse for Microsoft's aggressively anti-consumer policies at a point in time when the United States has the worst broadband infrastructure of any first world country.
Original XBox's built in hard drive was what really allowed the sloppy shipped code we get now. Wrestlemania 21 wouldn't function without a day 1 patch.
PS2 to PS3 kinda had this going on. I'd argue that one of the strengths of the 360 launch and a weakness of the PS3 launch was Sony holding on to the PS2 for way too long and keeping AAA games coming for it, when Microsoft had effectively killed the original XBox long before and was focusing all their attention on the…
Microsoft's fanboys are the hugest piles of shit on the internet though, and they cling desperately to that one Destructoid article from years ago.
Deception IV too, even though it should be Deception V.
Someone's here from GameFAQs, since that bunch of toxic fucks are the only ones that keep a link to that particular five year old Destructoid article ready to fire.
How much of this No is based on dislike for the main character? I'd really like to know that.
Should they still be waiting for a game library or basic functionality a year later though?
Oh my god, so many false equivalency.
Oh come on. Microsoft was moving past gamers and thought that they could keep them happy with minimal effort by saying "XBox" and "Halo" a couple times. They've been looking past their audience for years at that prime spot in the living room, witness the interface change where they buried games below three or four…
Still, people buying the Webhallen unit will have a better experience than people with the Ibuypower unit, which defeats the purpose of a console.
I think you may have missed the unveil on Spike TV. It was literally an hour of television functionality with a little bit of Call of Duty at the end, interspersed with snippets of Quantum Conundrum and Forza. The XBox One that was shown on the reveal date, and the company's message was bad for gamers.
The difference here is that Sony didn't try to sell you the PS4 based on TV TV TV and show you games later.
Too many variations. The beauty of console gaming is that everyone is on the same basic level. You don't have to wonder if a game is going to have compatibility issues or run choppy on your console based on your hardware and/or software choices because everyone is on the same level. You might as well just put together…
Compared to prior gen sales dominance, it kinda is though.
Screw you. Captain Cold is a Flash rogue, you know who else is? Captain Boomerang. With the hints at something coming up involving the Suicide Squad, putting the rogues in the game is an awesome development.
It's probably Freeze tho.
I only see one person passing you on the shoulder, and it appears the other people going by were actually on the access road.
It's entirely possible they had better traction on the gravel than they did on the pavement, I've put drove on what I knew was gravel on the side of the road when I wasn't sure if it was ice or snow under the top layer.