
That’s what libertarians always say when they walk into an area where GOP policies aren’t popular.

I hate that this whole situation has me on the lootboxes side.

It sure looks half assed. Same tired FromSoft UI that they’ve been using since PS3 gen? Check.

I’m very familiar with that. However, there are ways to mitigate that. Stopping *all* selling online is probably a great start, let inventory build then ship enough to retail to get on the shelves. Once they’re visible, their aura as a scalper item drops quickly. As it is, the big retailers are getting into the

At this point in the *Switch* lifespan you could walk into a retailer and buy and Switch, and we all know how bad Nintendo is at launching consoles.

And to kind-of gate the audience for the wonderful art, wonderful entertainment that our studios are making...to gate the audience for that at 20 or 30 million, frustrates me”

Not really. Marvel sold NFTs recently, no one owns Fantastic Four #1 other than Disney. You don’t have any rights to it, you have a digital copy that’s identical to the other digital copies available for a buck ninety nine at Comixology.

You’re telling me that Beloved Everquest Guild Leader Furor Planedefiler is actually a scummy guy? *clasps pearls*

I walked into Walmart and bought it for $49.99 three hours after this article was posted.

I walked into Walmart and bought it for $49.99 three hours after this article was posted.

90% of district managers are worthless, in any company. I’ve only worked for one company that had more than one competent DM that wasn’t doing the absolute minimum.

Eternals are a lamer version of Inhumans too.

The Eternals are the next Inhumans. Marvel has tried to make them a thing repeatedly, just like the Inhumans and not even Neil Gaiman could make the Eternals interesting. They’re the lesser Marvel version of a Kirby concept that he started at DC and couldn’t take with him when Marvel lured him back.

I hear you all “but

Uh, the prior two games *were* beat em ups.

Kotaku: Memes Mass Effect Andromeda to death because of bugs resulting from the complex character generation options.

Also Kotaku: Makes excuses for Bethesda because their games are so complex omg.

You’ll find out that progress wasn’t slow, it was a matter of the best route not being known. It hits every game that has a classic server open. There will be level 60s on day one, and it won’t be a surprise.

I’m sure you’re done by now, but the day one update was done before disc 1 installed.

That seldom works. The sequel formula never really plays out in MMOs unless you close the first game and give the players no other choice. They don’t really want a new game, new games seldom have the established communities migrat to them.

Daybreak hasn’t had a patch this bad in several years, and Everquest’s game code is both older and a bigger house of cards than WoW’s. Blizzard’s QA has dropped drastically, and they’re encountering the same problems other MMOs have when the PTR starts being treated as a live server with content preview; everyone’s

The prequels, while some performances can be dodgy, has solid worldbuilding. Even the much maligned Mr. Binks has a purpose and a story arc. Can you say that for Holdo? Phasma? Snoke?

ETA on Kotaku turning on Battle Passes?