Sally O'Broder

Disgusting. Yet all to familiar. Schools are all too happy to turn a blind eye to threats and harassment. Gay, non-white, short, weak, female, or just unpopular - as far as the schools are concerned, you don't have any right to defend yourself from harassment because that's their job, a job that the school CHOOSES not

What happened to Martin is indicative of a common tactic used by white supremacists. They harass, bully and assault people (e.g. tripping, pushing, things that won't get them arrested for assault). Then when the target victim lashes out in frustration, the white supremacists initiate a violent assault far in excess

Yes, because when I think "cute" I think "I want to see what it would look like for my partner to be devoured anaconda-style by a man-sized guinea pig."

I see comments from people online, and even hear it in real life more than a little bit, all going on about "why is being gay such a big deal?", "everyone accepts you, why don't you just shut the fuck up already?", "gays already have equality, now they just want special rights." Unsurprising, these comments come

For one semester.

Also is no thinking of what the sex doll wants? Maybe they don't like to share. This article stereotypes all dolls as sex craved lunatics.

Mark's partner is a very patient man.

Oh, you mean like giving women the right to vote? Individual states started doing that roughly 30 years before the 18th Amendment was passed at the federal level.

I think there have been a few legitimate struggles between federal and state jurisdiction where the state, while maybe not winning, had a legitimate case. As for the not-law-based protestations of oppression via federal power...umm... guns?

After slogging it out for centuries in the courts to prevent the federal law from applying to them.

Oh, thank Goodness. He should still have gotten life.

Between this and the forced sterilization of prisoners, California has had a great week of banning some "how the fuck was this ever legal in the first place"-type practices.

What a waste of money. 30 grand could have put a couple of those sex dolls through college.

In their world, apparently any male would go though years of isolation, hatred, bigotry, threats of murder, thoughts of suicide, for the mere CHANCE of pretending to be transgendered and to legally able to go into the girl's lockeroom for a peek at the showers.

This. I have actually found that coming out as an atheist is a great barometer for other people's morality. If they ask me how I manage to behave morally without God...I run very fast in the other direction, because they clearly think humans need an external threat to be decent. Everything these people say is

These are also people who openly state that the only thing keeping people (presumably including themselves) from going around raping and murdering each other en masse is the threat of eternal damnation.

Conservatives really do believe that the Y chromosome contains the unsatiable lust for rape.

Great article. I'm impressed by your ability to respond to their bullshit without going full-on flamethrower. Your tone was impressive and powerful.