Sally O'Broder

there shouldve been a trigger warning to preface this article

I agree — this really shouldn’t have been on Millihelen. I come here to talk about makeup and shopping. Can we go back to talking about statement necklaces now?

Not with a bang, but a Whismur

Excuse me for having never heard about this before (I am ashamed) and quite possibly being late to the rumor-party... but what the heck is that dual-screened Nexus device (at 01:29)?!

Given the disturbing theories about the real nature of the Pokemon world, it seems only fitting.

Not with bang but a watch-like peripheral.

I’m looking forward to people embarking on 6-month Antarctic expeditions specifically for a chance to catch Articuno.

And it’s a New York mob! New Yorkers are extra violent!

Not with a bang but a Geodude.

Decent run, might replay

So this is it, this is how Western civilization crumbles.

low budget?

Don’t laugh at the stock photo of that child. My own daughter was recently diagnosed with shutterstock. She has watermarks all over her face and body, and she refuses to go outdoors.

So true. The Anti-vaxx movement also has ties to the post-WWII far right like the John Birch Society. There was quite a strong belief in social Darwinism amongst the far right that vaccination programs would make populations of poor people explode. There are a whole lot of Republicans who still believe this and

This is all very well-written and researched, but a couple of things:

Depending on the corn alcohol, it gives me gas.

It’s an absolute shame the brass is trying so hard to put the old girl out to pasture, rather prematurely I might add, in an abysmal attempt to fund and justify the “Joint Strike Fucker” as I affectionately call it.

That's funny, because Jezebel's own writers use the word all the time. Here's from today: