
Are you really saying that it is offensive to describe a person as black or white in the USA?

This review is a complete joke! I say that having played for a45 minute taster of the game.

This article title smacks of MDF - why not just say 'DELAYED?'

They are lacking in dexterity and balance and look like new starters so the black belt could well be for turning up every week and paying their subs! But I thought a Black Belt should mean something.

That first pic is magnificent. Anime stylings of CGI done well.

I suspect Evan Narcisse and Polygon's Arthur Gies drink at the same bar.

No problem!

Kotaku is not for people 'with a slow internet connection.' This probably means you don't live in the USA or you do but are poor, either way Kotaku doesn't want us. :(

All your trophies actually do have a points value - it's just that Sony don't show them on your PSN ID.

Early Adopters will know that PS+ is required for multiplayer.

What is the truth about the XB one reviews?


I've played it. Yes it's pretty but I don't care for the old school Defender gameplay. I'm not saying it's bad it's just not for me.

Brian. You are right many of these tweets have been made by xenophobic small-minded Americans who are lacking in culture and intelligence. But what is the point of the article exactly? Is it to motivate Kotaku readers to take some sort of positive action to reeducate people with these shallow views or is simply to

Whilst the Battle of the Planets pic looks great I don't think it counts as cosplay as it is just a real face photoshopped into digital art.

I believe Sony will also make the patch available as a PC download which should mean it downloads a lot quicker than via the console. If Sony make it available before launch that is even better so you can have it ready in advance.

No problem! Quite a few indie games are using a retro art style without it fitting the game. But with this the graphics look fantastic and really seem to match the old school gameplay. It looks like the sort of game that would have me raving about it as a kid.

The art is wonderful. The colour scheme is reminscent of Hyper Light Drifter a game in development after a successful Kickstarter campaign.

That be great Stephen thanks. I don't get why so many journos interview the Sony guys and never ask.

Microsoft have taken down all the official videos about HD-DVD including Peter Moore and Major Smug Face Nelson promoting it as being better than Blu-ray.