
No problem! Quite a few indie games are using a retro art style without it fitting the game. But with this the graphics look fantastic and really seem to match the old school gameplay. It looks like the sort of game that would have me raving about it as a kid.

The art is wonderful. The colour scheme is reminscent of Hyper Light Drifter a game in development after a successful Kickstarter campaign.

That be great Stephen thanks. I don't get why so many journos interview the Sony guys and never ask.

Microsoft have taken down all the official videos about HD-DVD including Peter Moore and Major Smug Face Nelson promoting it as being better than Blu-ray.

Animals are not always innocent, they can be aggressive and bite.
Personally I'm glad that next-gen technology means we can have better animated animals. I want to find some in-game Alsatians and stab them to death.

I love games being released on Friday.

When it comes to control pads I've always preferred the 360 pad to the DualShock 3 which makes my hands feel cramped - I assumed it was because of stick placement. However I have used the DS4 and found it to be a significant improvement over the DS3. It feels bigger, more comfortable and spacious and the sticks feel

Getting the community to be engaged with the game way before release is very astute.

It's no good saying that "the games are free so you shouldn't be complaining." But the service doesn't exist in a vacuum and Microsoft are competing with PS Plus IGC games. Halo 3 is a big title but it's SIX YEARS OLD. The game before it was a badly reviewed card game.

Evan is that you? The last video I saw you in you were with Stephen Totilo talking about comics. Since then you seem to have lost a lot of weight. You look much better for it.

Microsoft won't have the real names feature available on day 1 because it was not part of the original Xbone design. But competition is good because the PS4 is launching in November, Microsoft took the sensible decision to move forward the launch of their console from Spring 2014 to November 2013. This means some

LucasRising said "People were actually angry at them for sticking to the release date, unlike Amazon who shipped their pre-orders three days too early. Also, it's nice to see that a relatively small company is championing good customer conduct, and not allowing abuse to fly like that."

This is a seriously dodgy turn of events from from Shop-T0, a company that is scalping pre-order customers to make extra profit from them.

Somebody from MS said this name was on the shortlist.

I couldn't have said it better.


Yes it is right to talk about discrimination in gaming however this is a story that makes very serious allegations of abuse against a Microsoft employee. If you are going to post it then it is only fair that you show some journalistic integrity and follow it up with the response of the accused who disputes most of

Does Morgan Freeman approve?

Just busting your chops. I don't mean it.

I get the feeling you are the angry nerd in the video?