
Eh, I have to give a backhanded compliment to Spokane. It's not Seattle, sure, but it's way more progressive as a whole than where I'm from in the South. There's gay bars, an indie theater and even an emerging literacy scene. Really. The city is blue, but the surrounding area is red red red. Still, we're in WA, so I

This. Thank you. I live in her district, but I'm just glad I live in Washington overall, because the U.S. senators seem pretty great so far. Patty Murray was tweeting a lot about women's healthcare the other day. I was swooning. I know they aren't perfect, but hell, I used to live in Louie Gohmert's Texas district.


Even on the Dallas Morning News Website, people seem to be siding with the poor family's right to make this decision. One asshat troll was ranting about how the judge is signing a death warrant and bullshit, and someone responded with an amazing burn: "Why do you hate God? It was His will that the mother die on Nov.

I don't know what point there would be for the hospital to appeal. It's a shitty law, but it's also a law THAT DOESN'T APPLY TO DEAD PEOPLE. Still, the hospital issued a noncommittal statement this afternoon. Fuck these people, seriously. I don't see what the hell they're doing, what kind of point they're trying to

Coke Rewards member here. There was a special Olympic giveaway full of "No Homo" stickers, baseball caps and sweatshirts, but they sold out.

Once in college, the instructor had us lie down on yoga mats and try to do something like meditation. I couldn't release all the thoughts from my mind, and that frustrated me, and I kept thinking "YOU'RE DOING IT WRONG YOU SUCK," and then I started crying. I changed my major shortly after that.

Clearly, though, the

I live in the Pacific NW now, and I really wish I had been there for the Vancouver games. Then I might have had a teensy tiny chance of getting to go, maybe? As corrupt and awful as the Olympics are, I still fall for it. I still want to go see an Olympics live at some point.

Yup. I have a friend who tells me to stop drinking diet soda because the artificial sweetener is bad for me. I am trying to cut back and drink more water and juice, but damnit. I don't smoke. I barely drink alcohol. I don't do drugs - hell, I tried to smoke pot once and I didn't even do that right.

Saw Amber Tamblyn at a poetry reading last year. It was totally random but fun, and my favorite part was the bit in her introduction that said, "She lives in New York with a comedian."

So let me get this straight: a news outlet thought they had a majorly juicy story and went digging for dirt. They found only a few bits of sand, but said, "Fuck it! We'll run it anyway and hype it up!" This, in turn, hypes up a few people but mostly just pisses off longtime readers.

If you can rage about Sallie Mae forever, can I sit by you?

Once I subscribed to Cosmo because I got a $5 deal. It was the stupidest year of my life (OK, second-stupidest after the year I spent as a theater major because I WAS A STAR). I've never done so much hate-reading on the toilet.

Speaking of tired, this is my first winter in a northern climate. I just want to sleep and avoid my work, but I can't tell if that's because I'm depressed or lazy. I have a history of both.

I just don't know, guys. Rooting for Ashley Wagner to knock it out of the water at Sochi, though. It's ridiculous to say she "stole" the spot, since I doubt she went into the selection committee meeting and held them at gunpoint.

Finally, an ending to Admission that actually makes sense.

Maybe I'm just tired and this caffeine I had is making me emotional (usually coffee makes me horny, if anything), but I'm about to lose it over this case, and the state of women's rights in general in Texas. I was born in Texas. I grew up in Texas. I left Texas last year for various reasons, and am thinking I may just

Glad it's not just me. I watched Dallas Buyers Club and kept thinking about what a beautiful man he was. He did really well with the role, but I'd heard such good reviews that I think I expected to be literally blown out of my seat by the force of his commitment and charisma.

I did actually get some sex/a quasi-relationship out of OKC last year right after I moved to a new town, but other than that...bah. And the guy I got with ended up running away from me and just not talking to me anymore, so I wish this surprised me. I like to think I'm cute, but I'm not a stunner. No one is going to

Last year I moved from a deep red Southern state to a blue state that allows gay marriage. It's delightful, but really not as dramatic as I guess I was thinking (hoping?) it might be. I just occasionally see two guys' names in the "marriages" section of the paper and it takes my brain a minute to realize "Oh yeah!

Forgive me if someone else has posted this, but it also seems that the hospital may be totally misreading the law, based on another article linked to this one: