
Yesterday I got behind a car with two pro-life stickers and one Christian radio sticker. This was the same weekend I saw a guy marching up and down the sidewalk near Planned Parenthood with those graphic signs that are actually, as the Onion put it, pictures of a chicken enchilada melt from Subway.

I still get so

So a coworker tells me this was originally about blow jobs, aka "My deep throat brings all the boys to the yard." Anyone know if that's true or crap? My Internet search history has just brought up more people asserting this on message boards.

I reference this song entirely too much. The other day I was making cupcakes

If I got so sick the first time that I had to go to the hospital, no way would I be signing up to do it again that quickly. Then again, maybe she just wants to get it over with.

And honestly, I probably don't want any children at all. I just hit 30, and I'm not having any real urges to have babies. Urges to practice

Bless you for sticking around. I left my corner of Texas a year ago, and sometimes I feel guilty by how amazing it feels to be away from that oppressive humidity and judgment.

Ugh, Talking Points Memo asked one of those groups with "life" in their name for a comment, and it was something like, "Still the value of life is precious."

This "value" word: I do not think it means what you think it means.

The other day I got behind a bro in a pickup who had Romney sticker on one side and a "Guns

Yeah, Lindy. I hate to see you go, but OMG A BOOK IS BEING WRITTEN. Thank you so much for your time here. I feel cooler just living in the same state as you (though on the wrong side, but anyway).

ISIS is awful and I was reading up on the situation yesterday and getting so sad. There are no good options, it seems.

That said, Phil Robertson and his hateful collection of asshole progeny are losing in every sense that matters. OK, I wish we were doing better on reproductive rights, since Bobby Jindal and the

I'm gonna miss you, Lindy.

I'm not going to miss Texas. Well, my family, yes. And maybe if I grew up in a different part of the state, I would feel differently. But I would tattoo that last paragraph on my body if that wouldn't be a very large tattoo that I'd have trouble explaining to my family at Christmas.

Texas is

I'm from Texas and live out West now, so yes, "tense party anecdote" is the perfect way to describe most of my Texas stories. I tell people our sex ed was basically the coach from Mean Girls, except no one handed out condoms at the end.

I do not know if I will ever go back to the South. Part of me feels guilty for

Not even gonna lie. I'm buying the shit out of this.

I think it's adorable that her kids' drawings were incorporated into the dress. Brad and Angie do not give a fuck, and it's refreshing. I've gone from being meh on these two to kind of loving them and their wacky brood.

I'd much rather see this than another Simpson

I say this as a Dallas fan: Someone should drug test AP, and fast.

I'm a grad school TA. Honestly, there have been one or two moments where I thought a student might be flirting, but more likely they just wanted to get into my class next quarter.

I've heard rumors of one or two TAs going down to Undergrad Bone Town, but it just seems so not worth it for several reasons, least of all

Natasha Lyonne is one of my favorite things about OINTB. I just love her ... spirit? Not sure how to say this without sounding lame as hell, but she's got this snarky "only sane person in the asylum" vibe that I love. And the stuff between her and Red (though I still haven't finished season 2) is heartbreaking.


Yeah, Miley Cyrus seems to have her heart in the right place here, but it doesn't seem like she picked a real winner. His Facebook page declares he hates "haters" and is "really super nice" though he does hate " lazy fat people." I will agree with him on the "fake-Christians," though.

When a friend came to visit, I swung by there and invited him to eat a bag of Dick's.

Just got back on OKC after a few weeks off, mostly because I was/am so horny it's insane.

I am trying to not be a bitter old wench this time around, to not question and dismiss people before I even exchange a message with them, but damn, some people are awful. I got one guy who whined that he wasn't going to message

I have TLC on now watching that Four Weddings show (yes, I should be judged) and they're teasing a "BIG ANNOUNCEMENT FROM THE DUGGARS!"

I'm so tired of these awful parents pretending like they're doing God's work. Nope. You're just being sexist assholes, guys. You've got your daughters convinced that they can't be

I left, but I'm not leaving it to the crazies. I'll fight from where I am now, even though I don't personally feel safe in Texas right now (I'm from a small town, though, and not a big place like Houston or Austin, and I know I might not have left had I grown up or lived in a diverse city).

I will apologize for Texas

Me too. I want to hug everybody and start a I Fucking Hate Depression Club. A grandparent ended their life 20 years ago, and just last year a person I cared deeply about ended his life, and I didn't know why he had stopped talking to me, but he just...I will never understand it. I am so angry at this godforsaken

Oh, man. From about 8 to 13, I was constantly waiting for Jesus to return. I would literally look at the skies and evaluate the chance of a Rapture. Sunshine with only a few clouds? PERFECT RAPTURE CONDITIONS. I just knew Jesus wanted to bust out through one of those wispy little clouds with light shining through.
