
I don't know what all y'all are talking about discipline and common sense for when this kid has a TOOTHBRUSH TAPED TO A GUN IN HIS MOUTH. Clearly he is two bus rides and a long walk away from common sense.

I don't know how much I can say before NDAs steal my job, but I do have to say that what you've played is indeed an almost negligible taste of the game. The scope of it all is incredibly vast. It's hard to tell in a guided demo, especially when the buzzwords they use seem to immediately suggest comparison, but once

It's not a "toy." A water gun is a toy, an airsoft rifle is a weapon that can still seriously harm another human being or animal, no matter what kind of spin you wish to put on it.

Well I agree with that. However I thought that even Soft-airgunners learned to not to out your finger on the trigger. I got a lesson when my brother bought his airgun.

Trigger discipline, for layman is "Don't put you finger on the thing that makes the device fire when you don't want to fire it"

It's something EVERYONE should be aware of, regardless of military service (or lack thereof)

ITT: The notion that "Trigger Discipline" is crazy complicated, and certainly not common sense

I´ve only shot with my grandpa´s smith and weston. It´s right there with "Don´t point it at people"

Except that it's not faster than your average electric tooth brush. Electric Toothbrushes make into the tens of thousands of movements per minute(according to internet, mine makes as much as 48.000 movements per minute!) and i highly doubt that an airsoft gun hits even above the 1000 movements per minute mark.

Isn't neglecting to write "Airsoft" in the title the definition of clickbait? I mean, sure, brushing your teeth with a real gun is a bad idea, but so is brushing your teeth with a gas blow-back airsoft gun >_<

I was not aware that this was a thing.

Psh, if this were 'mericuh, he'd be brave enough to use a real gun with live ammunition.

Your generalization of only butthurt hardcore fans being the ones that are displeased is very wrong, and dumb.

The vast majority of people who have seen it absolutely do not like the new TMNT faces, just like the vast majority of people completely rejected the idea of TMNT suddenly being aliens.

It doesn't take much

not even close that would be Austin Texas. There are more comic book shops in Austin then any other citie in the US. Those are comic book stores not to be confused with Table top gaming stores which its also has more of then any other city.

Having it be per-capita makes it somewhat meaningless, basing it on key words in Facebook pages makes it worse. A state like Alaska might have 2% the nerds of a state like California and yet Alaska will rank higher. So there are nerds there, but the population density is low enough that you might never actually meet

I do three conventions in Atlanta a year (AnachroCon, FroliCon and OutLantaCon), and I avoid DragonCon like the plague. I find it hard to believe Arkansas, with three tiny cons, is actually nerdier.

Austin, San Antonio, Dallas and even Houston are full of nerds.

in fact I would say Texas is a nerd paradise espeicaly Austin

The data seem to correlate heavily to: sparsely populated area= high nerd rating. My wife and I puzzled over this for a while and then realized that if there are no nerds nearby (because there are no people nearby) you are more likely to post something nerdy on Facebook et al. But if there are nerds nearby, you might

Yeah, I was in Dallas, so...

Hmm. I lived for extended periods in Texas and now California, and never had any problem finding nerds.