
Just doing a quick image search, I see several where he has sleeves. And virtually every damned picture of him from the comic has a long flowy (utterly pointless) loincloth thing - which to me is far siller than a frock coat - so Im not really seeing the big deal.

I just listened to it while I went running, it's roughly as good as Bastion's. It's amazing how for Bastion you get a "wild west" feel and for Transistor you get the "1920's lounge singer" feel even though the instrumentation is all the same.

I actually REALLY liked The Wolverine, far more than I anticipated given my utter blithering hatred for Wolverine Origins.


Haha, my interests are being catered to and yours aren't!

I'm betting they don't really get into its origins in the movie and leave it as an Easter egg for fans. Marvel's been pretty smart about taking that approach with a lot of their more obscure stuff - don't go into it, but don't blatantly contradict it, either.

At least it looks like they gave her clothes that cover most of her body for most of the movie. A huge step-up from how the comic character was portrayed*.

Well. Now I require another Hellboy movie.

I remember some people saying it would depend on what color the Krees ended up as in GotG, so I would think this leans towards the SHIELD alien being Kree.

Doesn't answer what Skye's parents are though!

woah wait anyone notice Knowhere?!

Very GIFfy.

I love how Marvel is acknowledging no one knows who they are and this could be a terrible idea in the marketing.

Agreed 100% - and I say that in both a personal and professional capacity. And yet when you wander over to you see all sorts of "John Carter meets Green Lantern" hater-ation. Marvel has so many people in this town pissed off right now, the industry back-biting is really going to lay into this one.

Damn, Rocket and Groot sound EXACTLY how I've always imagined them in the comic, wonderful casting there.

I'll pretend in my headcanon that the Chitauri ship/complex/asteroid thingie had some kind of a stable atmosphere contained inside it's residential locale (hence why Loki was able to walk around on it and talk to some of the Dudes there), and then opened the portal to Earth inside said zone of atmosphere, thereby

my first celebrity meeting was w/ Pratt at Caesars in vegas this past February. He was so damn genuine. I told him I was looking forward to GOTG and he said "Thank God, dude please go see it opening weekend, I don't want to F#$K up the Marvel name" Awesome guy.

You don't say...

He actually really, really looks like Snow from FF13 there. XD

In other words they ruined the crafting...and the world still isn't infinite (well..not quite infinite...but you can travel about 1 million blocks before it breaks). No mods, PC has controller support...PC has splitscreen (called launching 2 instances of minecraft.....)....and you have to buy player why