
Not all girls will, and the few girls who don't dress that way in real life AND want character designs to have realistic armor get screwed in the process.

But, as someone who lives in Japan, I see a similar mix and matching with Western culture all the time as well as seemingly endless appropriation of foreign cultures for entertainment purposes. That doesn't make it right or okay, but it shows that this isn't only an American thing or a white thing or whatever.

Sprite and Pixel are great cat names, by the way.

Speaking of testicles,

You just have to believe, Doc! BELIEEEEEEVE! (and apparently buy a PS4 so I guess not)

The armor and weapon design on this seems like the poor man's Skyrim. It's no where near historic and that kind of kills it for me. If I were to play this game, I wouldn't really being playing in Rome. So bleh.

Dude I'm actually getting that action figure with Texans branding.

Why must you play god?

Yes, it's called the creators of the console, Sony. Jesus.

True, I'm just throwing that out there. I do agree with you though.

You mean the politicians that offer special contracts to companies in exchange for campaign support? Or the Joint Chiefs of Staff who repeatedly ask for the military's budget to be cut and reorganized because so much equipment is being wasted? Yeah, it's a military industrial complex alright. I think you're looking at

The suicide rate itself though hasn't fallen at all, and the homicide rate is increasing through the use of knives, which is leading Australia to consider banning them. Kitchen knives!

I can't believe you've never read about World War II. Or the American and French revolutions.

He's only spending about $3 per shot, and the PS4 was donated.

It wouldn't, actually. It damages the nerves faster than they can send pain to your brain.

Not really. What we need is a ballistic pendulum.

A) He makes thousands of dollars a month making these videos.

It's not the views, it's the method of delivery. And yes you are an asshole.

Well I thought your comment was funny.
