
For those of us who don't have the money or land to try this ourselves, or live in ignorant states like California and New York, these videos help us answer the ridiculously stupid questions that go through our heads. It's the same basic premise as Mythbusters, only they put a thin veneer of science over it. I suspect

It was donated and also there are literally thousands of other PS4s out there.

It was donated.

FYI, he didn't buy it, it was donated.

Hell yes!

Whenever someone is bullied - or just plain trolled - on the internet there's a tendency to focus solely on the attacker. As this interesting post by an EVE Online Gamemaster reminds us, though, it often takes two to tango.

Yeah, what TUT said, which is a repeat of my earlier statement, that I doubt he would dual wield outside of a photoshoot, in which case, one is his main and the other is a backup.

Yes, and your point is? Plenty of people carry two guns on their person.

They spent it all on electroplating their AKs.

You're sexy too? WOOHOO

I highly doubt he actually dual-wields outside of photoshoots, it's probably just a backup. In which case, the belt holster is just fine, since you can draw across your body with it.

Hot damn. That's a pretty nice belt system.

Hey, it doesn't make you a criminal, it just means the criminal has good taste. Can't fault either of you for that.

Speaking in terms of real life, not the game: The entire line of AKs are stolen almost wholesale from the M1 Garand's design, but unfortunately it's difficult to acquire those, so AKs are ubiquitous. In this day and age, there's no reason not to go with a SAW, or a smaller caliber in general.

Yeah, that's exactly what it is.

Loving the tires on it. Really looks like it'd be fun to off-road in.

But you have to hand it to Banderas, the man has good trigger discipline. Also I really want all those Brownings. Dear lord.

Embroidered cloak! AAAAAAAAAH

And that right there is why you just need to stop commenting on Kotaku's postings of his videos.

The Texans may still suck but at least we aren't Jacksonville!