
Can we just agree to have options for both? So that those who like motion controls because they're really terrible with buttons can still play?

That's pink, actually. I like the pink and yellow of the new site, but the green was nice.

Um, YES. Mmmmhmmm yes very much.

You should've rolled when you said "That's how I roll".

Yay, I can play it now.

Yeah, except I'm pretty certain that bottom picture is a guy getting shot with a rubber slug.

Thank you Tim Rogers for this beautiful article, which basically explains why people who play fantasy football are fucking nerds, no matter how jockish or brotastic they may be.

Oh my god, the old review system! WTF IS THIS MAGIC

YAY, desert tan!

In addition to what the others said, that's not foam. That's Worbla's, a thermoplastic. Paint really likes that stuff.

Thank you for intelligently pointing this out.

Holmes isn't the first project to face this kind of scrutiny; Gridiron Thunder, another Ouya-exclusive project that, on its Kickstarter page, featured actual NFL branding—and EA Sports paid zillions to solely control the rights to make NFL games on consoles—also has been accused of astroturfing its funding or

Hardwick refuses

That movie is one of the greatest

Lots of people have. No one's done it well.

Is his name Tricycle?

Jason Mamoa is the bossest of bosses. My god that man is sexy.

Can someone explain to me gijinka headphones?

This one's actually accurate for what the users look like. Especially Steam. I know from personal experience.

Most traceurs do. Helps with freedom of movement and looks cool from third person.