There's ways to do it with a wig. It's called get one made of natural fibers and dye that instead.
There's ways to do it with a wig. It's called get one made of natural fibers and dye that instead.
Somehow missed this. *slow clap* This was sooner than I expected!
Pro tip to fans everywhere: stop trying to make fan films. Short films and trailers to toss up on YouTube as FX demos are okay, but the full fledged thing will never happen. Just stop.
Yeah, it is a bit. Sorry, school is exhausting and brain is dead. On an entirely different note, you can buy that fabric now.
8S or BS? I'll show myself the door.
Oh man, this, so much this. It would also help clear up the afternoon drought TAY always has.
It's at the Mariott. Lots of cosplayers just ditch and head to the Aquarium for photoshoots.
The armor was made by Amzal of Prince Armory. If you're in Texas in October, his stuff will be there for sale.
It's the most hideous hotel carpet in the universe, and they camoflauged with it. It's hilarious is what it is. Go check out Volpin Props and God Save the Queen Fashions for more info.
Hey, link to the cosplayers' names, dummy! That's Volpin Props and his buddy Brandon rocking costumes made by God Save the Queen Fashions.
Those guys have done some truly amazing work. I glad the weeks of Dredd threads flooding the RPF resulted in something that intricate and worthwhile.
Yes, but Animated Richard Branson promised me a window on the bottom of the plane and a Muse concert. Do I still get that these days?
We can feed him some shrimp and leave him in the hotel room :D
I feel you so hard there, brother. The most classic dragon of the bunch and it's reduced to a stupid weakness.
Come Nach, let us ride to TOKYO!
Good job finding that. ARMA photoshoppers, we're on to you.