
This is an isolated incident that will be fully investigated internally. The officer will be placed on paid administrative leave until the suspect's action against the officer are examined. Additional funding may be required for training and equipment. All promotions and commendations will be suspended until after the

Is distilled from human poop more appropriate than made from human poop?

I was wondering why my skill went from horrible to not-so-bad lately.

I worked as a designer for Westwood Studios (back then Westwood Associates) and Louis Castle is a genius designer and programmer. And the artwork was by the late Rick Parks; who I consider the Godfather of computer illustration.

I find this sort of tasteless and elitist. I'm not saying that Notch didn't earn the money. I'm not saying that he doesn't deserve to spend it any way it wants. But purchasing such an extravagant, expensive house in Beverly Hills kind of makes him a schmuck. And here's why.

Desert Golf has changed my life.

Fair enough .. my point is that if a ww2 bomber can take all that flak and still fly .. Even a two meter direct drop because of air pressure isn't going to make a difference.

Those bombers in WW2 flew through a fog of shrapnel and explosion and sill made it back home. A bit of heavy turbulence - although terrifying - hardly affects the plan at all.

Same ...

Amen brother - this also goes for game designers. You must have a CS or math degree.

Love C# .. for now .. but it is a volatile relationship .. haven't got a ring yet.

At Comic-con and Blizcon the fanatical Christians have become more and and more aggressive. It seems to me that is this something that every convention will eventually have to deal with.

A good religious Christmas movie .. if you are into that sort of thing.

The expansion is still very buggy and I recommend that you level a character that you don't really care about (hunter) to 100 and wait until they fix all the problems before leveling characters you care about.

It is amazing how magically my skills improve after Valve does an update to the VAC software.