Oh Gizmodo media group, hanging on by a thread lately. Why we had that 8 articles in a row about Star Wars yesterday on Kotaku.
Oh Gizmodo media group, hanging on by a thread lately. Why we had that 8 articles in a row about Star Wars yesterday on Kotaku.
Would you answer the call, or run away like a little pussy?
And the False Equivalence award for today goes to:
Yeah but trying to make nice with two different ones leads to some serious cognitive dissonance
apples and mandarins
Good for Kanter, Fuck LeGroin James. Papi was right, he always chokes in a big spot. And this was the biggest Spot in his real life. Fucking Dick.
Found the dipshit boomer ^
No wonder he disowned you. Nobody wants a son in law who has a pussy
From your post it is clear you don’t understand what happened in Benghazi or why. Hilary was selling weapons to terrorist groups to overthrow Libya. Including groups we were at war with in Iraq. This included weapons that could shoot down commercial airliners, The respected Ambassador to Libya was a nonpolitical,…
Your a douche, it’s a show not real life you idiot!!!
Wow, you’re really rude. He was an amazing person and teacher!! You have no respect for people what so ever. Shame on you. I feel sorry for you....
LMAO. Are you really leveraging things that actually make money in order to call people garbage for having a different viewpoint?
jesus fuck how hard is it to type another m
There warriors looked OLD in the fourth quarter. As old as this joke.
That’s not how business works. You don’t pay people with money that doens’t exist, just because you appreciated all of the hard work and contributions over the years.
Not that we disagree with you, but you, too, are speaking from anonymity. Most commenters here are.
“Tell women that a single room at a single event is off limits to them for a couple of hours and it’s a war crime to be tried at the Hague”
Legitimately ONLY Warriors fans think “Rockets without injured CP3" = “Warriors without injured Iguodala”.