Klutzy Puppet

You should be fired from a large cannon too, but I doubt they make a mouth big enough to fit your fat ass.

Jew joke or hair joke?

Fuck off to Uganda.

Let’s see; You wandered a campus filled with knowledge, expertise, wisdom, and people hired to share it all with you and thousands of others, yet you didn’t learn much of anything?

Did you learn not to make international incidents that involved the President of the United States intervening?

Another day, another outrage. I’m pretty sure there’s some language buried in there somewhere mandating mass killings of puppies and kittens.

Looking at his child support payments, it would seem Shawn Kemp banged on a lot of people.

Ooooh ooooh. Now do the other two!

Still with the “Drumpf” “jokes” huh? If only the left were as funny as they were crooked, conniving thieves.

Shut up retard. Whether it’s dicking 200,000 people out of their BERNIE votes, paying some fuckheads to put together a fake dossier to spy on an opposing candidate, or making up 600 different genders - the Democrats (i.e., numbnuts like you) better stick to not moralizing. Go back in your hole.

So true.

Yeah bro. He totally photoshopped those pics with Rosa Parks and the like. Retard.

Is this still a sports website or ESPN-lite for SJW retards? Even Magary’s WYTS segments were shit this year. Getting dicked by Hogan fucked up your content.

Of course it’s a bunch of white people. White people trying to treat us minorities like we’re a bunch of pussies.

Samer working overtime to re-elect Donald Trump in 2020. When are you skinny, pussy, beta-males from NY going to realize that your political views are ass? Also, hit the gym you skinny cunt.

While you make interesting points, one thing to remember first and foremost is that KD is a bitch.

LOL. This coming from the genius who called Charles Barkley a white supremacist. LOLOL. This a comedy site?

You spelled “following the constitution” wrong. You fucking commies hate the rule of law. Good thing Gen Z is conservative unlike the dumbass millennials.

Fuck you, you piece of shit. I hope someone steals all your shit you worthless fucking cunt. Can’t even grow a real beard you disgusting pube-faced dipshit.