Kanye new Deraliq line?
Kanye new Deraliq line?
I’m Black, not West Indian, and I understood some of what she was saying, but couldn’t understand part of it. At no time did I think she was just speaking gibberish.
There’s a difference between “I don’t know wft she’s saying,” and “I don’t understand those words so they must not be real.”
no one is arguing you need to know what she’s saying, just that it’s ridiculous to write articles about how she’s not saying anything at all. even if you don’t know Patois, one second of research could tell you she’s mumbling.
I don’t think the point is that anyone needs to have like, memorized the lyrics. It’s that they thinks she’s somehow either mangling english, or just making weird anamalistic sounds, when she’s just speaking another language. The language of the country that she’s from. It would be like if people were criticizing…
I don’t think it’s inherently racist to wonder if those were real words. My husband is from the virgin islands and his mother is from antigua. A few months ago at a party all his cousins were like, “I don’t know wtf she’s saying.”
Loved the ep in general. BUT. Why the hell didn’t Sansa tell Jon about the Knights of the Vale?!? It’s great she “saved the day” and all, but 1000s of deaths could have been prevented if she had just fessed up to Jon when he was finally asking her for her advice. In the face of his lamentation that they had to fight…
Yeah, I’m appalled to see that that’s the law. I thought you were better than that, WA.
Uhh, didn’t Matt Hickey also contribute to The Stranger? I need to hit up some former Stranger peeps I know and get the goss.
ETA: Oh and look at that it only took looking at one female former employee of the Stranger’s FB to find the confirmation I needed.
Also, odds (depressingly) are this guy will never even see the inside of a court room for this shit let a lone a jail cell, so the only slight justice is to make sure this disgusting story follows him to his grave.
Did you read the article? Deja, at least in relation to these girls, was a fiction.
There are a number of things that are fucked up about this. I’m especially baffled by trying to imagine someone I knew in grade school posing as me to lure women into a situation where they can be raped. That adds another dimension of creepy weirdness to the whole thing.
did you even read the article?? or the headline ffs?
Read. The. Whole. Post.
The fuck? Of course you haven't seen it. You're a man. Have you ever been called the n-word? No? Well, fuck it. I guess racism doesn't exist either. Get the fuck out of here with this shit.
No, the fear actually needs to be big, because while the frequency may be small, the amount of possible harm (e.g. being raped, or killed) is high. Like being afraid of tornadoes - you might never see one, but if you do, you'd better get out of its way. The amount of damage isn't averaged out by the number of men…
0_o That's a lot of words to say "I don't believe you".
Glad you don't feel entitled to women's bodies. I think you're wrong about thinking most men feel like you do, however.
Wow. Wow. As a man you can't see a woman's viewpoint on how society treats her and you're all "I CAN WRAP MY HEAD AROUND THIS!" I feel dumber from having read your long statement that could be summed up as "I, a man, don't understand a woman's viewpoint for I am a man and therefore, society must not be like that, even…
Yeah, it definitely sounds like you're failing at the empathy part of being an ally, which is really high on the list of things you need to not fail at to be an ally.