
I just tried to answer this myself and can’t. How do Blake and Robyn have the same mom but different dads, but both father’s are last name Lively??

Have you not eaten out in 20 years? 18% is the absolute minimum to not be a complete asshole, 20% is standard, and anything above is generosity.

Maybe the whale is a total introvert and just wants to be left alone!

That's hilarious. I'm an only child, so I missed out on stuff like this.

Ahhhhh. Thanks!

What are AHAs and BHAs?

YES. THIS. This is me too! I'm single handedly keeping Clean and Clear, Target and Walgreens brand Oil Absorbing Sheets in business (pro-tip: If you use any one of those, the other two are EXACTLY the same, and Target/Walgreens are like a dollar cheaper per pack). Anyway, an oily skin one would be great.a Also,

I'm confused about the shellfish/shrimp story. It seems like a non-story. Just to make sure, I double checked that shrimp are, in fact, shellfish, and they are. So...? I've read that story four times and I can't figure out why it was included.

Ask him!

I was a gifted child and I agree with most of what you said until I got to the part about a child correcting an adult. WTF is that? Adults aren't always right just because they're adults, and telling a smart child that they should defer to an adult JUST because they are an adult is absurd.

Ditto if you add in Big Bang Theory.

Young Chevy was BEYOND HOT.

Has nobody thought that he probably actually was kidnapping her with the intent to harm her and this whole "proposal" bullshit is just a story he's telling because he got caught?

So no more OITNB?????? :(

Whoa! I just googled both Shakira and her husband (who is decidedly NOT odd-looking, MRAWR) and noticed they both have the same birthday. Except she's ten years older. Hawt.

Can someone help me get out of the greys? I've been (sporadically) posting on Jezebel for a while now...

Oh good lord. A few years ago, a close friend with whom I had a tenuous relationship due to a year-long stint as roommates (nothing ruins a friendship faster) became engaged to a man with whom she was in a shitshow of a relationship. I (and all of our friends) love them both dearly, but these two had no business

I use "cooch" for non-sexy times. For sexy times, we don't really address it directly. We do use cock though.

I live in Seattle and am DYING to know what cafe that is!