Everybody calm down.
Everybody calm down.
Don’t forget “and cheat”.
I starred your comment, then unstarred when I saw it ended with “into the sun”. Not strong enough.
Even the FIA doesn't claim that the halo would have helped in his case.
How ridiculously disingenuous. It doesn’t matter what type of saw they had, you don’t need to bring a saw to an abduction. You don’t need to bring a forensics expert to an abduction. The excuse that it was an abduction gone wrong only came after other lies trying to claim that nothing had happened at all. Those facts,…
“Nobody is doubting whether or not he died at Saudi Hands, but so far there isn’t any evidence (I’ve heard of) that suggests the Saudi explanation (abduction gone awry) is even unlikely."
How does Jules Bianchi have anything to do with it?
I think Leclerc can potentially embarrass Vettel next year, and I don’t know how Vettel will react if that happens. Retire?
Sainz overtakes a Ferrari in his Renault, so what?
That’s not what happened. Even Verstappen didn’t claim that's what happened.
Jeff Sessions said that in a press conference about the pipe bomb guy, and it was pretty transparent he was saying it in a pathetic attempt to protect Trump, to present the right as consistent in their views and not the disgusting hypocrites that they are.
They have called him a terrorist several times, making a point of doing so for this exact reason.
Martin Brundle and Ted Kravitz are good.
Great story, and well written.
The problem with having an asshole hammer is that everything starts to look like an asshole.
I don’t assign labels to myself precisely because of what you have just said. There’s always someone ready to lump you in with a toxic minority of the group of people who also assign themselves that label.
This I don’t understand. If the legal owner of the rights to a movie puts up a torrent, aren’t they relinquishing any ability to say that people are stealing the movie?
“The username and password used to obtain access to our network”
No, they can’t just rifle through whatever they want. Nowhere in your Politico link does it back you up on that.
You are dumb.