
The problem with having an asshole hammer is that everything starts to look like an asshole.

I don’t assign labels to myself precisely because of what you have just said. There’s always someone ready to lump you in with a toxic minority of the group of people who also assign themselves that label.

This I don’t understand. If the legal owner of the rights to a movie puts up a torrent, aren’t they relinquishing any ability to say that people are stealing the movie?

“The username and password used to obtain access to our network

No, they can’t just rifle through whatever they want. Nowhere in your Politico link does it back you up on that.

You are dumb.

That was a fine and logical criticism, until you suggested Haas. Seriously? The team that is only as good as their second-hand knowledge from Ferrari allows them to be? If there is a team guaranteed not to move into the tier-1, which is not explicitly a junior team of one of the big three, it’s Haas.

“Let’s put it this way. You have a 1-ohm load hooked up to a 10-V battery that is rated at 1 A-h (amp-hour). That circuit produces 10 Watts of power (1 Ampere at 10 Volts), and the battery can sustain that for about 1 hour.”

“Okay, so he wasn’t smart enough to set aside any money to live off after he cashed out of PayPal, and he wasn’t focused enough to put all his effort into one company.”

“Ever seen how the rare eath minerals are mined that make Tesla’s batteries???”

“All technology should be used to fix our Earth, not escape it.”

What the shit are you talking about?

It’s one guy who writes for the NY Times, not the whole organisation putting out a statement saying they were wrong about Trump.

Oh, so now opinion pieces count do they?

You are a retard. That link says nothing about it being Trump’s policies that have led to the near complete defeat of ISIS.

It’s all fucked. Everything is fucked.

Mmm, but I’m sure when it makes a close pass to Earth someone will manage to detect it. And fuck, I had “you’re” instead of “your” and now it’s too late to edit.

Yeah, but if you observe the position of the Tesla at any point in the future you can then start again with close to 100% accuracy in your predictions. The idea that we have no idea where exactly the Tesla is going to be in X number of years is true, but it’s only true right now.

I was skeptical of the Elon Musk hype, when Tesla was only producing a weird electric Lotus and SpaceX was only launching toy rockets.

Not with that attitude (or position).