Homemade butt plugs.
Homemade butt plugs.
Takayuki Ohira, creator of the MEGASTAR planetarium projector, recently conducted an experiment to test the limits of your generic laser pointer and posted the results on Twitter. He attached a class 1mW laser pointer to a telescope and pointed it at a building roughly 20 kilometers (12.4 miles) away to see if the…
My fired?
Battlefront is coming though, which should fill that gap to some extent.
At least for that there will be Battlefront.
Bothering to get a keyboard and mouse for your console is one thing, but who the hell would use that over a controller for flight simulators?
So have modern shooters though. There have been five modern Battlefield games and only one WWII game - two if you include 1943 (which I don't think counts). If they can do five modern Battlefield games, why not do two WWII ones?
Imagine if DICE made a WWII Battlefield game again, with something like this in a Market Garden multiplayer map. It's overdue.
In my opinion, Assassin's Creed fits the bill better. I can't think of a more impressive mechanic in a game this generation than Assassin's Creed's climbing etc.
Only if you kill yourself first, and let me masturbate while I watch you overdose on sleeping pills. While wearing a clown mask.
Huh, I have looked at my notes from university and it turns out the lecturer gave us an example of a GPU architecture with a hardware vertex and fragment shader, going by those names. If only I had remembered that. Still, like you say, if I want to be pedantic then it's not really 100% right to call functional units…
u mad?
It seems like one of those people who don't know how to reverse at all. It's like they're trying to do a u-turn or a three-point turn, but just can't work out how to turn the wheel the right way. And the way they smashed into so many cars trying to get away... Panic can only excuse bad driving so much.
Well yeah, it's a contradiction, but it doesn't mean it's not intentional or that I really was trying to ruin people's fun. It was a rant, which if it ruined people's fun then I think they've taken it too seriously.
Agree with you pretty much. I don't know if you saw what I said, but I replied somewhere else. That part where I said I hoped I was ruining things for others was more a trollish, exaggerated thing and not really genuine (like a lot of what I say).
Sure am
No, I came here to vent on purpose. I would have settled for enjoying someone else's comment with a similar sentiment, but I didn't find one so I took on the burden myself.
I like doing stuff for the sake of it, just not hearing about what people did when drunk.
Close I suppose. I'm not really in a huff, my "angry" comments on this are more exaggerated/put-on and not really sincere. As for the rest of it, I'd say you've got it a bit backwards. It's not that I was never invited to things, and so get in a huff or jealous when people talk about it. It's more that I find all the…