
There you go, everybody wins when someone has an outrageous opinion.

Ha, not that you really know me so fair enough, But honestly (I'm going to try not to sound arrogant here even though I will fail), I think I'd be pretty damn good in a position of power compared to the majority of people.

Yeah, it's the lenience towards them and the attitude that they're GCs which I don't agree with. If they weren't drunk, I think most of the people laughing now would classify these guys as fucking weirdos. But because they were drunk it's funny and ok...

You voice your disagreement with me despite thinking I'm unimportant and irrelevant? Does that make you even worse or something?


That's not me, but I'm glad you feel better about yourself.

There is no way that won't be turned into a gif with the game and screen swapped out for other things.

Sounds similar enough to me. It may not be totally rational, but when it comes down to it there's probably nothing that's really rational to rant about. You've got to have something to hate in your spare time...

I don't think I'm on a high horse. I'm not saying don't do stuff that you think it is funny, just because other people consider it dumb (unless I also think it's dumb). I have done a couple of things others would consider dumb, but I disagree because nobody was in any danger or anything like that. It was "dumb"

Don't know if you're serious, but if you are I say good for you.

Ha ha. Good. Let the hate flow through you.

I know you said you were joking, but I guess I probably am. I mean, if I go to anything with alcohol available/being served then that's what I'll drink (the alcoholic drinks that is, not soda). I'm just not someone who's sober life is spent either waiting until I can next get drunk or talking about how drunk I last

Strong as in strong/harsh language.

Portal 2 and what else?

You don't know why? I think it's because it's hilarious

No, I just like to express my opinions strongly. Although, at least people on steroids have an end goal in mind instead of just doing dumb things "for the lols".

I don't want to get in a serious argument about this, but no - the fact that the circus people are happy that their stolen llama has brought them attention doesn't change my thoughts at all. As for the singer, I don't know what in particular he thinks is so depressing for the world or France. Is he talking about Mali?

Looks like nobody else is going to take this side, so I will.

Yeah, they used 3D models and animations then converted them to 2D sprites. I wish they'd had an artist go over and hand-draw the animations using the 3D ones as a reference though. I suppose it was a matter of money and time.

Alright, thanks, that pretty much answers it. I've not done a great deal with graphics, so I was unsure if it was actually a commonly accepted shorthand to call shader cores or shader processors simply "shaders". From what small amount I've done, I think I've only ever come across the hardware being referred to as