Yes. Do that. I've already given you an example which you should easily be able to use to show that success is not subjective.
Yes. Do that. I've already given you an example which you should easily be able to use to show that success is not subjective.
Clearly wrong? No, you already admitted entertainment is subjective. And like I said to the other guy, if success is objective, please tell me who is more successful out of Bill Gates and Barack Obama.
Who is more successful, Bill Gates or Barack Obama?
You are getting way too caught up on this, to the point that I don't really understand what you're on about anymore. Where did I say that "regardless of what happened, the real issue is her choice of words"?
More successful and entertaining? Both subjective measures.
What do you mean "which way is it"? I never made a contradiction. Someone losing credibility because they gave something away about themselves, by using a "go-to" phrase, does not automatically mean they are wrong to say what they did.
But is this the first time you've used the phrase "sexist pig" to describe him?
Nope. Didn't say that.
No, you're sexist.
On the other hand, a different Trendy employee has spent the past few months telling me that things aren’t all that great. This employee says the “boys club” mentality cited in my original article still exists at Trendy, and that removing Stieglitz might have cut down on the crunch time, but it didn't make things…
I guess my thing is...I don't understand why this happens with every title. It just seems like bad time management to me.
I agree that dumb people in charge is not the root cause of the USA's problems; it's the influence of money. But the government shutdown is not exactly due to that, because even the big companies don't want to risk a default. The shutdown is an example of something that really is the fault of dumbasses in Congress.
I have wondered before about what I'd do if I was American right now. My first thought was obviously to get the hell out, like you say, but I probably wouldn't. I'd feel bad about leaving others to that mess, and also feel a responsibility to help sort it out.
I'm pretty sure he meant it was disturbing/stupid that she keeps her hair tied up even though she is going to get it wet. I doubt he's unaware that people with long hair tie it up to keep it dry.
And yet she wets her hair. Geez, how many people are going to keep replying to this guy with snarky comments, without even watching the video?
She wets her hair...
That's not the point.
You, and all the other people saying this, clearly didn't watch the video. She washes her hair.
Concave breasts? I love concave breasts.