Whenever I go from Xbox to PC I notice how much worse people seem to be...
Whenever I go from Xbox to PC I notice how much worse people seem to be...
Yeah other than that Premium is pretty good, (I only care about the map prices - all the other stuff is pointless IMO) but overall I've still found EA's service with BF3 pretty poor. We rented a server for a few months and almost every night we played the game would disconnect everyone from the server at some point.…
If this is true, that's unbelievable lying by EA. It sounds like it would take minimal effort to get a proper SimCity game out of this.
Good points. I don't like the way that you're not allowed to disagree with Anita, or dislike her videos, because of some sexist etc trolls who brought it all to prominence in the first place.
"I'll keep this short since almost everyone who cares is busy building cities and making friends in SimCity."
Or something like what happened in Stupidville, although that wasn't even university age. There are some absolute piece of shit human beings that somehow make it into university.
Yeah, make fun of someone for not being privileged enough to go to university. You fucking asshole.
Or the one with his head in the ceiling fan!?
Yeah, after playing this the show (which was already going down hill) is just trash
Oh yes of course PC, I only said consoles because that's what I'd be playing on.
I actually really want them to go back to WWII. A WWII Battlefield game on next-gen consoles would be amazing.
Called this as bullshit as soon as I heard about it through some friends. Also made the point that they would have no grounds to justify what they do at The Pirate Bay, at all, if it turned out to be true. I'm off to gloat gloat gloat.
I'm not really a fan of Paul Gilbert but this sticks out to me as a particularly amazing solo.
I'll play Destiny solo, because I don't want other people ruining my first playthrough, but after the first time through I can see myself enjoying it.
From the link:
I thought they were all obviously screenshots from a game, but then I saw the 4th picture (Porsche with the yellow brake calipers). That one really does look like a photo.
It's looking good so far
"The origin of homophobia in games"
You don't need to use standard library code though, and if it is linked anyway (for some reason) it would only take a few compiler options to get rid of it. I just thought it would be easier to modify GCC/AS than to create a new assembler from scratch.