
You can get Kate on Windows?

Hmm, so that would lend some credibility to the possibility of having things like wormholes then? If the universe did something like that on its own, then maybe it will be possible for people to expand or contract space to get to places faster than light?

This is an interesting question

There are some links in the article that explain it

That there is HD, colour footage from another planet. Another planet!

The only reason I would have called the overall winner bad is because I had to wrap my head around all the subclauses (or whatever it's called between commas).

Ha ha, "Faster than the Speed of Love". You a funny man.

No need to get accusatory. I can see what he means as well. The platform itself looks especially smooth and soft, like a painting.

Last I checked you can go to a university and learn to be a dentist. I don't know where you are that you think there's some organisation limiting the number of dentists. Similarly, I imagine it's to do with where you're located that means you have to pay for necessary procedures.

If you go into Steam, click the Steam menu in the top left corner, choose settings, and switch to the Downloads+Cloud tab of the settings window, you can choose where your content is downloaded from. If your ISP is like mine you'll be able to choose their content server for Steam downloads and not get charged for that

Groping and lost people


"But being snobbish about the search for functionally-useless knowledge is ultimately selfish, because it's not going to help anyone in particular, outside of your own curiosity."

How do Battlefield 3's > 1GB patches work?

To be honest TF2 is not that hardware intensive. If Valve don't want to bother optimising it for consoles then that's fine, but I don't think it can't be done.

Yah, I should just say also that I'm not going to rule out that it's real - but either way as you say he's a complete asshole.

Just look at the things he says on that twitter account. He's a complete troll / one of those people that feels important by pretending to have access to things they don't.

Because a Sunday afternoon isn't long enough?

People getting bored is a horrendously stupid reason for not attempting indefinite life extension; the worst case scenario is that people get bored with life and kill themselves - like the article mentioned.