I want to know what the point of the whole thing with Shaw and Holloway was about. Ok, Weyland made him do it but what was the point?
I want to know what the point of the whole thing with Shaw and Holloway was about. Ok, Weyland made him do it but what was the point?
Excellent, I really wanted to know what he said there.
If there is a risk processor does that mean we have a cisk processor somewhere?
"Huh. I'm pretty sure all complaints of this nature are from people who don't have properly fitted gaming rigs, or at the very least don't have the most recent drivers."
I've never thought the destruction in BF3 looked very good, and I still think that after videos like this of Close Quarters' "HD destruction".
Well, apparently what happens in the video "is nothing compared to the real world".
If, in Japan, you are at school and draw a phallus - which you then place on somebody's desk - can you get arrested?
That's true as well. Pretty meaningless statistic I suppose
It's good that they've cut the guy in on the deal and didn't just take his designs, claiming they owned them.
You do cows and donkeys?
Why would you do that though? If everyone is uploaded into a virtual world (somehow) then eventually some catastrophe such as an asteroid hitting would wipe out the entire population. Or just the system crashing.
I see what it is that you have done there
I realise that's "how they came up with those numbers" as in that's where the statistics came from. But what I meant was I want to know how they translated the survey results into the percentages etc in the PDF.
"I think I better play it for you," he said finally, prying my hands away and turning the keyboard towards himself.
"WOMEN age 18 or older represent a significantly
I didn't expect so many people to explain it so clearly
Wow. Thanks everyone