The music choice and cinematography probably would have better suited something with cars, I think.
The music choice and cinematography probably would have better suited something with cars, I think.
Yeah, if we’re going to blame Microsoft, let’s remember Peter Molyneux worked for them too.
So long as Microsoft buys the rights to Metal Gear.
Civ has a direct tech tree, lots of alternate routes to complete the central objective (a lot of these other 4X strategy games do a lot of side objectives instead, which add nothing to the experience), the quotes and music, the wonders and their videos, the feeling of exploration. All of it adds up to a ton of…
Now that you mention it, I remember a few times people were amazed that I even knew how to find the command prompt.
Before India took over their IT departments, the guys at Comcast and wherever I got my DSL from were more than happy to teach you how to use all those super secret hacker techniques to do whatever was…
If I didn’t see the tombstone, I’d be pretty sure I’m your dad. I worked as a transcriber quite a bit, wasted my life playing Civ, and am an autodidact poet who used to give pretty good speeches quite frequently.
Internet generation or smart phone generation?
The thing is, if backers don’t rage about this, he could just go and do it again, like so many other companies have done.
It’s as turn-based as any MMO. Skills and attacks have cooldowns, and that’s where the similarity ends. Of course, Kotor wasn’t really traditionally turn-based, it’s just that you could pause the game.
I heard the Jedi Knight is pretty fun if you go darkside. I played the Smuggler, was certainly the Malcolm Reynolds experience. Made me absolutely adore deta.
Light Sith Warrior is where the game shines, IMO.
Of course, the main world story was atrocious. They gave Revan the Illidan treatment, when everyone wanted to…
And it’s a 5 year old game... my 5 year old PC can run it at medium-high with decent load times. I can’t imagine the potato that would chug on SWTOR.
Story is not always great. Light side Jedi Knight and Jedi Counselor are terrible. Some of the side missions for Bounty Hunter made me feel like I was terribly wasting time; like the plots of Gilligan’s Island episodes.
It costs like $5 to take off your helmet. Lol.
Oh, come on. The gameplay might suck thanks to corporate incompetence (the game was excellent before they added trash mobs and made the bosses and other fights super easy on Day 1; beta was the time to play)... But that Sith Warrior story-line is unparalleled. It did the Darth Vader experience better than any of the…
I was going to start playing it again, but they deleted all my companion interactions. Just why? I’m not going to spend 100 hour giving people presents again -.-
But, no, seriously. I’m okay with Tracer, and it’s definitely not a cliche move to make your leading character a gay female... Even though it took awhile to make her gay, you know. I mean, they could have taken a character that was pretty well meant to be a gay icon (gay communities around the world instantly…
I was being sarcastic about Breitbart because you said I should go back to 4chan, dipshit, like with the ‘voting for Trump’ comment earlier. It says a lot that your concern is whether or not I’m a progressive. Maybe if you’d spend less time trying to label what everyone else is thinking in a way that’s easy for you to…
I’m not sure if you’re joking... More likely a self-parody.
FYI, I was saying it was sexualization that they chose the girl likely attractive to most heterosexuals to be in this kissing scene, and to be the gay character for whom fans have been asking. Many men will be all ‘dude, that’s hot’. Obviously I’m not talking about the kind of people who develop character attachments…
I don’t think there was a central objective with the video, he was just talking generally about the topic of appropriation. If you watch the whole thing, he starts to talk about the good aspects of cultural appropriation, and the cultures we wouldn’t be introduced to if they weren’t homogenized into stereotypes that…