
Oh my god, you can dress Link like Lara Croft. Sold.

Check out Can’t We Take a Joke on Amazon Prime. Goes in to a decent amount of detail from the perspective of comedians.

I wonder if some people don’t realise there’s a difference between telling an offcolour joke on a platform where people come to hear relevant jokes... And making the same jokes in public. If so, that’s like saying you shouldn’t do nude theatre because you can’t go nude in public. There’s a lot of reasons why

Gita going for that open seat as Breibart’s Tech Editor.

Reminds me, I wish devs for Space Engine would fix planets back to when I could actually see planets at all instead of a big white ball. But I don’t think it’ll happen any time soon. That’s an amazing game.

Every Neo-Liberal source is becoming goddamn Fox News. I’m out. Here I thought the Alt-Right was bad, but at least they don’t occupy the spectrums I go to for news and entertainment. Fuck. Maybe I’ll be back in 4-8 years.

The joke was, they said “subscribe to Keemstar” when they held it up. It was a knock on Keemstar, not Jews.

Those guys are full of shit. Their English pronunciations were perfect. I went on their page before it was taken down and all the requests they were getting were raunchy. Like “Kyle is a faggot”, and they’d say it. They speak English. They knew what it meant.

I seem to recall in some promotional material, they were referred to as Mario Mario Mario and Luigi Mario Mario

Nope, same old Godwin’s law is alive and well, as evidenced by bi-daily Kotaku articles insisting that violence against Trump supporters — I’m sorry “Nazis”, is a good idea.

I’m sure they’d love to exterminate the strawman position you’re making of them. Dear god, think of the starwmen!

“Nazis”. We all know you’re talking about Trump supporters.

Neo-Liberals, the people who are doing all this, have never been progressives. They’re anti-science, pro-national division, pro-segregation, anti-freedom of speech.

Real progressives, from any political background, support the advancement of technology, unity through elimination of class, national, and racial

Oh fuck. You guys are unhinged. How long until we start seeing militant groups popping up and executing “nazis” in the streets?

Is it okay to shoot people that I deem in a depressive stupor are nazis?

The only people who object to Wikipedia, know nothing about Wikipedia and its guidelines. That some articles on niche entertainment topics are poorly regulated has nothing to do with the credibility of their methodology. Amazingly, millions of articles are somehow hard to curate.

How has nobody mentioned that Robert S. Trump is on ZeniMax’s board of directors?

I’m down for making this into a de facto MMO.

Is this by the people who did Tokyo Jungle?