
It’s odd that he sees the Zenyatta skin of Ra is cultural appropriation. Is Far Cry Primal is cultural appropriation? Well, it would be, and quite insultingly, if any of those people were still alive. But I’m pretty sure people who have been dead for thousands of years won’t mind.

Keep making things up, troll.

I did answer, I don’t need to say the same thing to everyone. You can read my other posts. Go back to Breitbart.

So what you’re saying is, you voted for Donald Trump because you hate Mexicans. That’s very low of you. You should try to get over your internal prejudices and learn to love other people for who they are. I can’t understand why anyone would want to be a bigot, but then there are people like you who I will never

It doesn’t devalue her, it’s just unlikely to progress beyond fandom now.

As far as sexualization goes, so far in the game, sexuality is hinted at or referred to as the subject of past tense events. It’s weird to me that the first thing they show in that regard is female-female romance. In the 1980s-1990s, homosexuality was far from accepted in America, but females kissing was always seen

Well, I never said it didn’t matter to me. I guess Overwatch characters are pretty underdeveloped anyway, so maybe you’re right. I still see it as ‘they made the hot girl gay’, but the other female characters aren’t that present, and the only other really standout female in the game could be a bit too on the nose

Jman started here as a GamerGater and switched teams when he wasn’t getting enough likes.

But Zarya isn’t being focused on for the gay icon she’s become. That’s gone to Tracer. It’s pretty obvious Blizzard is pandering to the Russians like they did with the Chinese and dead bodies or timed gaming experiences.

They’d have never done the kiss with a male-to-male relationship. Never. Lesbians kissing in media is pretty much softcore to teenage boys and nerds. It’s safe-gay, especially when the woman is very attractive. That kind of thing is sexualization. Curious that, despite how we never see the other characters in intimate

I dare Blizzard to make a gay kiss or sex scene between two men in any medium for this game. And there’s a dare I’ve already won.

Do any of these relationships you mentioned show the characters physically interacting? It just so happens they switched off from the Russian character who was, to many people, so obviously celebrating gay culture, right when Russia cracks down hard on the gay community. And now they take the most attractive female

Lesbian makeout scene? Do you really think they’d have added a makeout scene between Soldier76 and his male love interest? People want to talk about how brave this is, but it’s 1. pandering to fandom and 2. making a popular character gay and claiming it’s progressive. It’s not celebrating a gay character, it’s pimping

Ah, thank you “it doesn’t matter to you” guy. Of course it only matters to you, because you’re the one true fandom fan.

I don’t know, I can’t see sexualizing a hero who was previously unsexualized just to get the “WE HAVE A GAY CHARACTER, AND NOT THE ONE YOU EXPECTED” story arc in there as particularly meaningful. As far as I know, there hasn’t been a sexuality story for any of the other characters. This seems stilted to me, but maybe

Gold, please.

World of Warcraft needs this like a Hoovertown needed a polio vaccine.

You know milk has 11 grams of sugar in an 8 oz. glass, right?

Reverse/mixed appropriation upsets the ‘new liberals’ too. See Cloud Atlas. I can only imagine what they think of Japanese theatre.

1950s fickle ideas of morality and conformity in media, then.