
Gentlemen, we’re all trolls here. Let’s.. continue talking shit, actually.

“You really are desperate for people to not take you seriously aren’t you?”
I read that when a politico makes an unsubstantiated accusation about their opponents, they’re invariably subconsciously commenting on their own behaviour.

I think that also means you hate women and minorities.

You got me, bro. Trump is going to throw you libtards, the women, and the minorities in a great big beautiful FEMA camp. We’re going to pave over your rainforests and oxbows with golf courses, and our trickle down economics are going to ensure the superiority of the white man for 1000 years. Seig Trump.

In other news,

I love how you guys assume I’m far-right because I disagree with you, and start throwing around ‘bigot’ and ‘pussy’ like it’s going to hurt my feelings. Pretty sad.

Making the argument ‘you can’t say that, because it also applies to you’, and by that I mean all the “Physician, heal thyself” type comments does build into a malicious thread of shouting down an opinion which isn’t necessarily invalid by the fact that it could apply also to the author. If you tell someone they can’t

Ah, you’re the guy who, when gamergate was happening, was stirring the pot by writing the most inflammatory comments toward the right-wing PC retards. That quote certainly doesn’t describe you, honey.

Ah, a non-response to three paragraphs. Charming. Or did it take you 6 minutes to come up with that shit comment?

Hey, don’t use their line of reasoning if you don’t count yourself among them. It’s not my fault you’re an ambivalent SJW :D

By the way, responding to tone is always a fallacy. You’re responding to a claim with ‘but you are, too’.. That doesn’t discount the validity of the original opinion.

Yes, exactly that was my point. Not that you were quoting me out of context. Good perception.

Play to play, then? I don’t think anyone calls that type of system anything in particular. From that point of view, there’s no such thing as free to play, because someone somewhere is fronting the cost of the play time. Any game is a service which could be charged for, as such.

The only difference here is that someone,

They’re good for grabbing by the genitals, and when I need them to build my walls.

You’re explaining what the words mean and not what everyone means by the anagram. The fact that you thought this dubious opinion was worth five paragraphs is just sad.

I like how real journals with real standards mark their opinion pieces as such, and don’t simply make unwilling participants to their bluster. Maybe most people are here for gaming news, and not political opinions. Just a guess.

I like this whole ‘disagreeing with someone is hypocritical’ line SJWs are throwing around. You guys really are the thought police.

They could re-do the mechanics a bit, make them more fun. I’d pay for new Warcraft maps and campaigns over the annual World of Warcraft expansions.

Wow has a free to play system now, though.. I got my last two months for free and I didn’t even play all that much to get them.

Deflection is for people with tiny genitals. Believe me, I’ve got no problem there.

“SJW” refers to a particular group of politicos... Typing in a comments box doesn’t make me a ‘social justice warrior’. I love how most of the comments I have been getting here amount to “noooo, don’t saaaay that! Q_Q”

“I mean” Yes, you are. You should also work on the ol’ grammar. It’s “I’m mean.” with a period.

That’s exactly the impression I got. Will have to remember to read it.

Edit: Just realising this is a reposted article from 2014.

I think it’s just a tight font between words, in that case. New sentences probably proceed a double-space.