
I wouldn’t call this movie a guilty pleasure... But it was terrible and I still didn’t mind watching it from beginning to end. Can’t explain it.

That rape scene, though. What the hell, man.

That’s productive. They must love you on YouTube comments.

Do all SJWs hear voices? :3

I said they were trying to... I literally explained it in detail in the post you quoted. Maybe if you’d read the whole thing instead of running to quote for ‘ultra-liberal’.

And I was ‘screaming’ (IE, writing comments) when people were here bitching about Quinn, etc, at the height of GamerGate. The voice of reason is always inconvenient when you’re the on the side of hate.

Not at all. “It’s that it’s flawed in a way that perfectly mirrors existing sexist expectations of romance, with such specificity that it is hard to view it as unintentional .”

You’re asking for a lot of arbitrary work for a non-primary game model. Why does every spectrum of sexuality have to represented? It’s a little different in games where the player chooses what characters do. When the algorithm dictates randomness and with a complete lack of player control, it’s not as easy to make the

Then there is only anecdotal evidence on which to support one’s beliefs regarding these demographics. In that case, don’t blame the developer for having a different anecdotal experience. I note few people have mentioned what exactly this person should be thinking, just that what he was supposedly thinking is vaguely

As I said, I’m not talking about the article, i’m talking about any people aiming to make the article a controversy.

Am I rallying? I’m the only one defending an opinion against several people.

Do you not see the stupidity in telling someone they can’t tell someone they can’t have an opinion, even if that’s what I were doing? There’s barely a way to say in English what you’re accusing me of; that’s how impractical your argument is.

I never said anything about this Kotaku article, or the article by Claudia Lo. I’m talking about ‘generating controversy’, comments, generally getting upset about a non-issue. Doing so in a way that looks like mob antics. I saw the same thing that’s going on here back in the height of Gamegate.

There’s no indication

I hate mob mentality. It’s not GOING to ruin the developer’s business, but they’re not stirring up value judgments of this person’s CODING DECISIONS for a LINEAR ALGORITHM for any good reason. This is social pressure to try and convince the developer to become a pawn of promoting their world view, or else become a

That’s good. Keep trying to make a point by twisting words. It really means something.

Really? Because you don’t see that generating negative controversy about someone’s business can negatively impact them.

It’s clear that this ‘issue’ was contrived so people would talk about how some people THINK DIFFERENTLY about bi-sexuality. But that’s not implied in the data. And yet more people are trying to catch

Ah, so you can barely read. Or are you just a liar who has to contrive the meaning of other people’s words to make your point, like your counterparts?

What? Is that your copy and paste reply to anyone who mentions SJWs?

I opened by saying I was talking about SJWs (the people stirring the pot and making this stuff up), not ‘anyone who talks about it’. It’s a facade of a controversy. They should move along and do something useful with their time.

If you think it’s worth

There must be no controversy then! How enlightening your comment was.

This is making SJWs look just as bad as Gamergate. Saddening.

Rock paper shotgun is the biggest rag on the internet. Kotaku has changed a lot in response to public opinion. I mean, this article (while giving attention to a non-issue) is decently balanced.

Accusing people of being from a certain political/social demographic is bullshit, by the way.

I see your rampant usage of ‘he’ that you are a conspirator with the patriarchy. The creature you’re speaking of is a wiffrom, and the wiffrom’s pronoun is wifo. I’m sure you completely understand and will comply along with an apology or else be the subject of a massive social defamation campaign.

What the fuck? How does that post seem angry to you? This is an angry post, motherfucker. Recognize.