
Aaand with Netflix DVD you can watch about 20 movies a month for about $15.

So do movies. Have you seen No Country for Old Men? The Departed? Don’t tell me movies like that, if you watch them, don’t draw you in to some dark place, and make you go ‘we’ll see where this goes’. But if you don’t, how otherwise do you experience humanity? We live in a society of violent people, of people calling

The violent moments in games I recall is almost always the result of losing a squad member. Not really guilt, but say the time I saw the bus explode next to my user created squad in Ghost Recon (PC) as an RPG skimmed under it.. Or the “noooo!” moments in Xcom, losing a unit I had been building for hours.

Seldom do I

Now playing

Here you go: Japanese people can’t understand why SJWs are upset.

That’s his perception. Everyone I’ve ever known has sporadically debilitating depression or some like mental illness. I can’t imagine a person who doesn’t suffer from depression. There are people who claim they don’t have depression, but that doesn’t make it true.

How is “I do” is a response to “Is whether they’re black or white a make or break for you too”?

I have thought of buying this game more than ever recently, just to see what kind of weird stuff happens from this point on.

Aren’t you usually the voice of reason here? What’s with the gender war stuff? Who cares what your character looks like. Is whether they’re black or white a make or break for you too? Because that’s also randomized.

See above picture of Heero Yuy.

I’ve known a lot of American girls with big black or brown eyes like they’re straight out of an anime.

“Using the process of somatic cell nuclear transfer, eight clone embryos were created by inserting Big Boss’s DNA into enucleated egg cells, donated by a healthy Japanese woman.”

In MGS, Snake claims to be Japanese American, and it’s also in promotional material.

Japanese American.

Don’t take him out of context. He says ‘everyone is so depressed they don’t want to get out of bed [they don’t want to live], but somehow they do’. Hes not claiming ‘worrying’ is the same thing as depression, hes talking specifically about debilitating, life threatening depression.

Don’t let your emotions make a

Hes absolutely wrong in thinking suicide is always a choice. Hes not wrong in saying he won’t take the credit for saving the guy’s life, and insisting that the guy did it on his own strength.

The streamer, though, should have known not to start this conversation.

This guy is absolutely right. A streamer on Twitch has no right to take credit for stopping someone from committing suicide just because they watch their content. Individuals going through hard times always want to credit their own success to a ‘higher power’, someone smarter, someone more dynamic. That’s not a

You have no idea what you’re talking about. Characters like Gene Starwind, Brock, Misty, Edward Elric, and Quatra Winner aren’t supposed to look Japanese. Even Japanese characters like Heero Yuy and Solid Snake don’t look Japanese, deliberately. Japanese media is obsessed with Americans and the way they look, and has

I heard this version is a really bad port anyway. What’s with Japanese companies and not caring about PC quality?

Still just a bit better than my $800 Hp desktop from 2011. What.

Honestly, though, one Symmetra is enough. You can see in the video that Muselk doesn’t have most of his turrets down for most of the fights, and an extra 2 turrets doesn’t real do that much more damage. Symettra just does a ton of damage to carelessly aggressive players.

When Kotaku comes out with a “new strategy from this game we barely play”, that means “someone did this strategy in a video I saw”. It’s basically click-bait.