J.D. Buffington

The flashlight you can make yourself, as I have, just take the extendable blade off your lightup sabre toy. Makes going in the attic an adventure every time!

Being a Dune fan, I actually gobble up the Herbert/Anderson novels, never as good as Frank's by any means, but almost every one of the novels has at least one, nuanced, off-kilter thing that really sticks out for me. Seeing the machinations of the Bene Gesserit in the Dune books that directly preceed the first novel,

The key to a realtively healthy lifestyle: Eat less, move more. If that movement is on Wii Fit or just walking around the block, movement is the key. If you're moving, then you are NOT doing it wrong. Relying solely on a Wii/Move/Kinect? I do not see a Mr or Ms Universe who will be crediting their Wii, Move, or

The mixed bag of comments confuses me, I thought it was funny, I thought the slowmo recap is funny, I think the subtitles (as many of them were nonsensical) were funny. But that's it. I, me, personally, myself, thought they were funny. But when I don't like something, I don't give it attention, no negative comments

"E" might be right, for the EU, which I never got into. I listened to a couple of audio books, and always wanted to delve into it, but just couldn't sink my teeth into it.

I THINK that Clone Wars IS canonical, 'cause that Jedi who died during the Citidale episodes I remember the SW website indicating that he had died in a novel and now the Clone Wars death was what really happened. IDK, the cartoon is more entertaining the PT anyway, so whatev.

I think we would all benefit from that.

How come I seem to recall either concept or fan art of Maul with robot legs like that? Maybe from back before Episode III came out and everyone thought Grevious was a resurrected Maul? I was worried about this, but showing him like that, and his line regarding his hatred for Obi-Wan fueling his sounds

VIII is not without it's merits, I enjoyed it, too. But the argument that Final Fantasy lost its charm & cuteness started with VIII, hence IX. I say "wrong" because I am an old school fan, like Jason, Final Fantasy on the NES was my first RPG, yeah, I played Zelda and Metroid and other adventure games, but what

"Has Final Fantasy been too serious lately?"

"Are you my mummy," is regularly bandied about our house, even by the g/f who does not watch DW.

How does kickstarter work? How awesome would it be to set up HD underwater cameras attached to booeys with GPS tracking units, drop several of them in the middle of the Earth's largest bodies of water, livestream the video to websites, and let armchair scientists catalog and identify whatever swims by?

Indeed, SyFy and Cancel together make me automatically read my favorite show, lol.

Fifth and FINAL season of Warehouse 13??? WHAA??? They just got a full on season and it's going to be the last one?!?! What the hell is wrong with SyFy?!?! Question mark, exclamation mark!

I don't suppose I could expect a GOTY edition with all the DLC by Christmas, could I? I've yet to pick the game up, and intend to, but if I can get it all at once, I can wait a bit longer...

Wolverine was total popcorn fodder, it was stupid as hell with just enough fun to it that I didn't mind. It didn't fit so well with the X-Men films, but, what the hell. I wish they had, or eventually would, delve into the serious issues surrounding the Weapon X program, experimentation on mutants, the obvious

With the exception of those random time cops from way in the future that showed up on Voyager (elsewhere?), time travel always seems to be accidental in Trek, including the events of the rebooted universe. Otherwise we'd have a utopian universe where nothing bad ever happens, and frankly, that'd be boring.

That was my first reaction, and my answer to the severed arm has always been, the cauterizing must be fast and fairly thin, blunt force, such as the weight of the severed limb falling to the floor must bust up the burned tissue and blood seeps out. And yes. Me nerd.

I've mentioned on here before that I have a whole library of incomplete, or even unstarted games. I've decided I need to complete some things before spending on anything new. With that said, a year full of big releases means they're gonna be vying for your gaming dollar, which means steep price cuts within weeks of

Loved it. Speedy was awesome.