J.D. Buffington

Where this is true, even with the effects as displayed, it's unclear who's shooting what where. Honestly I have no problem with Greedo shooting first, smuggler vs bounty hunter, and Han is clearly ready to kill to save his own hide, the guy is rotten to begin with anyway, even through ESB, so I've never really had a

I love the Nolan movies, and as much as I'd love to see a movie (or series thereof) based around the style of the Arkham Asylum/City games (touches of the Animated Series, though grotesquely dark), I still would very much like to see Batman be a detective. Take Seven, Silence of the Lambs, etc, and put Batman as the

So since I had a similar accident as a child and chipped my front tooth and now the cap doesn't glow causing a third of my tooth to look weird in blacklight...does that negate me 17 points?

Seriously? No one's gonna chime on the ending of X-Men 3? I know it was disappointing to most, I liked it, though it could have been longer. But at the very end, Magneto regains his power. The "cure" isn't permanent. Which is probably still equally as bad for the human race since Magneto is going to be a raging


Podrace in 3D.

The House on Haunted Hill remake is excellent up until Chris Kattan says it's the house itself. The scary ass Doctor and the head shakey ghosts throughout the first part of the film are super scary.

It's the Bloop's babies!

I've got a fear that I can only describe is of anything spineless, this includes largely insects, but mostly slugs, worms, wormy insects (caterpillers, grubs, maggots), and a lot of sea life gives me the heeby jeebies. I'll be uncomfortable even seeing pictures or things on television. Regarding the insects, though,

Luke says "Not unless you can alter time..." to 3PO in ANH, to which 3PO replies that he can't, "not on this planet anyway," or something to that effect. So the bumbling protocol droid is aware of some sort of time manipulation. But I'm with everyone else, if such an episode were to air, the culprits would either

I don't know...

As much as I thought the most recent Doctor Who Christmas special had a cop-out ending, I would love to see the TARDIS pop up right in front of Lawrence Oates' tent, so that upon saying he'd just step out, he steps right into the console room. Doctor looks him up, realizes this is a man never found, and takes him on

All right, I want to know, so label your replies as spoilers, DO THEY TRAVEL THROUGH TIME and IS IT DANGEROUS?

When the rumors were swirling that it was just going to be called the Nintendo, I was actually kinda excited. White with the classic red Nintendo in the oval. I wholeheatedly wish this would be the case. Used to be we said, "Let's play Nintendo." Make it a thing.

OMG OMG OMG, I figured it out! To all the haters (of which I am one!), there IS a roll we could all get behind for her! Saavik!

Is there a list of descriptions and pictures for other Problematica? This seems terribly interesting to me...

Lee wasn't so mainstream as Cooper. I'd rather them pluck a relative unknown or counter-intuitive actor. You want a draw for the billing? Cast someone big in the villain role.

Now playing

I have been nerd-shamed. I shall go nerd-cry now.

Infinity Formula? Infinity Gauntlet CONFIRMED!

Kief's looking mighty Phantom of the Opera there.