I wish I could "like" your comment. Very poignant.
I wish I could "like" your comment. Very poignant.
It was my impression that IX did that, what with the return of Garland and the Four Elements. There was this telling allusion that in all the worlds in all the universe(s), Chaos comes around, and it is those people, either destined or dragged along, that selflessly fling themselves with light in their hearts upon…
I liked the second hour better, I liked that it showed Sylvane's freakout from Cobb's point of viewing, leading to his plan to go to solitary. The end when they recognized each other was intriguing and could either be a big deal or a subtle, "hey, I recognize you!" As far as all the blood being withdrawn, I bet it's…
As much as I wish the PT was just one movie up (like ep I didn't happen, but ep III was full on Darth Vader and the Jedi purge with a rising Empire), there are parts I like in each individual movie. Singular scenes I would love to see in a good quality 3D exist in each film, the podrace scene, the foundry scene from…
Was it ever disclosed how he lost an eye? I think that was what I always wanted to know concerning old fat Indy from the TV show.
I'm sure that'll be the first thought of a LOT of people, so I expect the title will change. However, Sopranos in Star Wars is certainly okay by me.
I know this is regarding Disney's attempts over the years, but I believe Ray Harryhausen wanted to take a stab at it. Personally, I think his stop motion would have been severly classic for Barsoom.
What about Sheeva's throw/groundpound exploit?
I was a sucker for Mortal Kombat, bought all the dlc as it came out, didn't regret a minute of it. That game was friggin fun and easy to get into. It still is mind you, but I haven't popped it in for a while thanks to Batman and Zelda. I just wish they would have kept adding characters, or unlocking the bosses to…
Haunter sounds like the Others...though it may be more open about it.
I like Prologue. It's like an arcade racer with all the pretty of Gran Turismo. I like the PSP version, too. Once you had to start actually tuning cars is when I started sucking.
I can barely imagine the night day cycles on one of those moons. Light all the time on the day side of Saturn, pitch black on the night side, seeing either a spectacular starry sky thanks to the extra darkness, or conversely perhaps lightning storms from Saturn? And you all think space travel will become boring, HA!
I liked multiplayer when it was two to four controllers connected to one console connected to one tv in one room. I play fighting games and co-op mode on several games with my daughter, that is fun. Relentlessly being killed by cussing youths is neither fun or challenging. I don't want to get better at those games.…
The Day the Earth Stood Still had ONE good idea, postulated by none other than John Cleese, but spontaneously combusting into cocaine and magma was something nothing in that, or any other movie, has ever done. I like bombastic. But I'll point out that I love Crank, hate Transformers. Stupid movies can be fun, so…
"Kaneda and Tetsuo are time-traveling, 500-foot centaurs who, every thirty seconds, spontaneously combust into literal blizzards of cocaine and magma."
I play the hell out of Blitz, which was recently taken away from 2 (at least that's where I first played it). I love it. Can't break 250,000, but a friend is consistently getting 4-600,000 points. What the hell am I doing wrong?
I saw...a...lab? Confused Peter Petrelli...then a basement that probably stinks of old gym socks and semen.
Spawn had a hell of a crossover, slightly official, mostly not...when Spawn died one of his million times, he met Cerberus the Aardvark, but one of the panels showed all the "sold-out" heroes in a cage in Hell, their arms sticking through the bars, Superman, Batman, Wolverine, Spiderman, and a slew of others.
I think you answered your question before it was asked in a past life where you were a backwards talking midget in love with a piece of wood from the future.