J.D. Buffington

"The individual may think that the most important reality is his own existence, but this is only his personal point of view. ... Man does not have the right to develop his own mind. This kind of liberal orientation has great appeal. We must electronically control the brain."

I completely agree with him regarding his family. Perpetrator's families never need to be brought into the fight. But this sounds like the apology of someone who's sorry he got caught, not because he truely feels bad for taunting someone on a bad day. I've been there, I've said mean things in the moment, but I

I like your style.

But Waterson doesn't like money.

A couple of questions raised by the top, lead-in image. One: How does Supes wear the CAPE under the clothes? The skin-tight outfit, okay, like longjohns. But the cape? Wouldn't it bunch up in his lower back, or godforbid, his butt? Maybe that's how he stifles the physical similarities between Clark and Kal-El.

LA Noire was fun to play through, if only for the story and acting, but I was (unfortunately) reminded of the first Assassin's Creed. Great story and beautiful environments, stilted, repetitive gameplay.

I believe Hedy Lamarr is actually a traveller from some future time that goes back in time, changes her name, and becomes famous, all in tribute to you.

Okay, so if there are two Four Swords on the list...which is which? Wasn't the very first Four Swords just A Link to the Past with four links (Gameboy Advance)? And then there was Four Swords Adventures (Gamecube), and now the freebie for the DSi/3DS for the 25th Anniversary. Which is the DS one? Or is it a new

Hooray! An Astrid-centric Fringe! (No, seriously, HOORAY! I love Jasika!)

Dune had "chair-dogs," similar to your footstool dog, genetically engineered by the Bene Tleilax, content to sit still and be the perfect chair or stool that molds to your bum.

Huh huh, may I touch your thingies, Ms Maschinenmensch? I'm a doctor, not a pervert, dammit!

Well, the shot with mystery man next to the gun thing makes it look like the gun thing is too small, or maybe it's just a trick of angles, or maybe he's bigger than a human. IDK.

Big glowy bluey room? Looks like the same platform as the Space Jockey's gun/telescope. Surprise ending: soul survivor has to get into the suit and try and fly the ship, sudden look of pain in person's face, an outward thrust against the chest of the suit, camera pans to below the platform to reveal alien eggs while

I completely agree with the sentiments of Aliens being an 80's movie, it parralleled the wonderful original Predator movie and the two, side by side make it understable that these two universes SHOULD clash. But alas, AVP 1 & 2 could not live up to books, comics, and video games which focused on just being fun.

I'm with you, the preview IS awesome, but when it was an Alien prequel I was like "why?" Sure, finding out about the Space Jockies could be cool, but how many other stories that exposed their mythos failed as a result? Then they said it WASN'T a prequel and that it had some Alien DNA...I was thinking, same universe,

I wrote a short story about a factory assembly line introducing aromatherapy in the way of fresh cut oranges in bowls throughout the work area. The protaganist finds the smell obnoxious and nauseating and in turn finds out the oranges are actually blocking people's ability to see these monsters that are feeding off

NASA lies. It's a fact.

Personally I've always really liked the very first suit, but I'm down with most anything that is mostly dark, blacks, maybe greys, and no nipples.

Regardless of doom-saying, the winter solstice of 2012 marks when our own solar system's plain will be parrallel to the galaxy's plain, correct? And as the sun rises on that day, it will appear to come up right in the middle of the visible milky way along the horizon (thus opening a portal to let all the old gods