I could be very wrong, but I don't think Christmas is as a hot a sales time over there...
I could be very wrong, but I don't think Christmas is as a hot a sales time over there...
Don't get pumped about it or anything...inevitably it will fail to meet your expectations. I want to see it, I love the look so far. But if all you saw were stills of a lot of horrible sci-fi movies/franchises, you'd think you'd be in for a treat. Hollywood is not exactly churning out awesomeness despite having…
What about Ramble On? "...darkest depths of Mordor, I met a girl so fair, but Gollum, and the evil one, crept up and snuck away with her."
We moved into our house two years ago, upon moving in I found some 60 year old OU alumni magazines in a kitchen cabinet, a wooden fold-out potty training chair in the attic, some old stubby beer bottle, a wooden Pepsi bottle crate, and a wooden Pabst Blue Ribbon sign that says "Next Time Bring Your Wife." No effing…
I love this with all my heart.
His name is Brenda, he didn't want his cellmate to forget.
Number 9 has been in my head since the early 2000's. For my...I don't want to say "wealth," but my ample creativity (music, writing, drawing) I've always wanted to share my creations with the world. I knew very early on I was not going to get rich and famous on my writing alone, and I read enough essays on trying to…
I'm in agreement with Theola, also, the ending to Wind Waker and intro to Twilight Princess indicate the very different adventures of young and old Link resulting in these respective worlds. They are parrellel to each other. The third timeline, new to me admittedly, still fits as a parrallel as it shows a world in…
Considering the split after Ocarina, I keep waiting for a MASSIVE, almost Final Fantasy style adventure that brings the world's back together into a single timeline...we have three timelines (which now lends even more credence to the idea I always wanted to see play out), three pieces of the triforce, and three…
I like depth of field, but I'm no fan of post-conversion. The 3D I have liked were Beowulf, Journey to the Center of the Earth (the 3D, maybe not so much the movie, but it had its parts), and Avatar. Deathly Hallows Part 2 had some good scenes in it, but fell into the whole "is this even in 3D?" trap. 3D shouldn't…
Maybe if it was that hot French lady that's always on the sidebar ads you see on Weather.com
Aren't we hard wired against this (eating human flesh)? I mean, this makes my butt hurt just thinking about being in that situation...blegh.
She's got a lot of good ones.
Add a speak and spell and you can phone home.
Chik-AAN - GOOD!
I'll just leave this here. Thank you Eddie Izzard.
It was this VERY meme that got me to Titor, LoL! The one thing that stuck out to me was one line of questioning John introduced himself: does the air smell different? It lended the tiniest shred of credibility to me. Yeah, it's a hoax, but really? If a monster, or god, or time traveller ever showed up? Our…
So long as it's a courtroom drama, and when it looks like Harvey is gonna get beat by the defense, the sun shines, he cries BIIIIIIIIIIIRDMMMAAAAAAANN and posits the greatest legal mumbojumbo ever committed to screen. And the caveman judge needs to be in it with all his iterations of Birdman, Birdbath,…
When does Clone Wars come back? This season FINALLY started getting good and they closed on a damn cliffhanger.