J.D. Buffington

Batman Beyond! Old man Bruce, wheelchair bound, uses an Iron Man-esque suit, meets Terry McGinnis, passes on the torch!

I'm, mortified...that Speilberg is supporting this shit. The guy who brought us stellar action pieces that also had great characters and compelling stories is egging on the creation of schlock.

It seems to me most everything on the iTunes store goes drastically down in price at random, six months and it may even be .99 (US). I could do with some Batman on the go, but it's hard to justify those higher dollar price tags. But case in point, I picked up Scribblenauts Remix for 99 cents a few weeks back, so it

But...but...Teddy Roosevelt? JFK? Clinton?

Annalee, just being frank, I have a massive nerd crush on you, since before I even had a star, this only strengthens my imaginary affections (as I am very happy with my family at home!). Since I've started posting here and hoping that one day I can pull my head out of my ass and get my writing cleaned up and out

There were a few key features that stunk up SM3, and Church was definitely NOT one of them. I swear by the gods, if they had focused solely on Sand Man and Goblin II it would have been a nice emotional tying of the bow to the end of a saga, where Venom's birth should have come at the very end of the movie setting up

Thank you! When Argo fell I about lost it...I didn't want to fight anymore, I just lost my only friend!

SNL ripped them off or vice versa?

So I'm not the only one...course, I envisioned a more Doctor-y Doctor, still opposed to guns and such, replace the pistol with his sonic and how bad ass would that be?

Now playing

I saw this this weekend, too...not sure if it's old or not, but thought I'd share!

This is what gets me, if it exists, it will be on the internet, if it's on the internet and grabbing attention, it will make the rounds on some of the more lax talk shows, if it drums interest among the talk shows, it'll make the news, if it makes the news then no one will hear it because everyone's too busy watchin

I'm just airing some potentially flame worthy thoughts here, but in regards to a possible Doctor Who movie/reboot/new Doctor/etc. I have a CRAZY thought for the next Doctor. This weekend I got around to watching Crank 2 (stay with me) and laughed my butt off of course, I love the Crank movies, but it was during the


I've got some quotes I love from science fiction and fantasy literature, but in keeping with the article, I actually have a tore down version of the Litany Against Fear tattooed on my left forearm, so I can look at it in times of soul-crushing situations:

I'd watch that.

The symmetry here, the mirrored compilation of one side of the face to make a whole face, bothers me more. It makes it look like a tall man is right in front of me.

I leik bewbs. That was too short. I mean to say I REALLY leik bewbs.

I see. Thanks! I'll look into it.

Even though it's not a 360 controller? Just clarifying...

I'm playing Portal through Steam, I know, keyboard and mouse are far superior to a controller with FPSs, I even agree, but I was hoping to play on my big screen tv and use my Logitech RumblePad 2. The problem is, even though I've mapped all the functions to the analog sticks and buttons, I cannot look up and down in