J.D. Buffington

Okay, so the line about lightning striking 4 million times and keeping the pulse active...what would happen if lightning decreased? Or went away even? RESEARCH TIME! Sounds like a horror story in the making.

Holy crap, WTF?!?! Moriarity has FOUR arms? No wonder he's so superior to Holmes!!!

Well, I haven't read comics since...shit...1999? I'm so outta the loop I don't deserve to even comment, lol.

With the amount of back story and world building already present in the original novel, why not stick to the original source and make up a movie with the original super heroes, flesh out that opening credits scene? How about a full production Tales of the Black Freighter? I bet Gerard would totally jump on a live

The NanoPutians looks like Cactar from Final Fantasy. This made me smile.

Probably the same notion that allowed band-aid's and crayons to be called "flesh colored" when they were clearly a muddy peach.

Not one shred of anything developed by Lucas is remotely original. THX-1138 is very much Brave New World, American Graffitti of course is about an era, Star Wars is "The Heroes Journey," Flash Gordon, anything by Burroughs, Kurosawa, and probably a multitude of other authors, Indiana Jones is also inspired by the old

In major defense of the allusion to the Geonosis stadium scene, that is ripped almost scene and word from one of Edgar Rice Burroughs other notable series, Pellucidar, from the first book "At the Earth's Core." This is what I really worry about with the John Carter movie(s), is that they will draw comparison to so

This was my first train of thought.

The Clone Wars cartoon is filling a lot of this in (it doesn't make the movies THEMSELVES any better, but the story overall). Like @Franklin Harris said, the small talk and caring about side characters is a lot more prevalent in the cartoon than in the movies proper. I'm actually pulling for a full-on six movie

What if the zombies attack a flamingo nesting ground?

How awesome! Bowser Petroleum? The pipes make SENSE now!

Ugh, I just got a raging nerd boner when I thought the thumbnail was Adam West's Batman with John Pertwee's Doctor. I am disappoint; but now I think I need to write some 70's schlock fanfic.

The only problem with this desire is it will further fuel Hollywood's fear of progressive/original/artistic material. We will continue getting re-makes and reboots of what succeeded not even ten years ago (Spider Man and Sony I'm looking at you). Think of them trying to make a movie based on tv shows based on movies

Taking dates, huh? I'd hit it. Spin it. Even let her buy me dinner.

Way to SPIN it Fox. :eye roll:

Both of us have stated clearly these are our opinions, so I'm not going to ARGUE with you for the sake of laffies. You wanna make valid point/counterpoint fine, but in no way did I indicate they should make it because I like it that way or even YOU like it that way, but just to be clear, people LIKE:

But it's the LIZARD! If anyone should be expressionless it's HIM! Cold, methodical, primal rage...if the Lizard sheds a single tear while in Lizard form, they will have achieved nothing over the original three films (especially the third one). Do I wish Green Goblin had the maniacle face? Sure, but face it, a

Well played.

I will concede that I grew up on 80's-90's Spider Man, and I know this new movie seems to be borrowing more from the Ultimate story line, and even though I'm really disinterested in this movie based on previews and that story line notion, that Lizard looks both completely awesome, and utterly horrible. The body looks