I was going to ask about that myself. Got a 3DS for the family to share for Christmas and I had hoped to have all the Ambassador stuff and updates and free things downloaded and ready to go when the kid unwraps it. IS there any time frame?
I was going to ask about that myself. Got a 3DS for the family to share for Christmas and I had hoped to have all the Ambassador stuff and updates and free things downloaded and ready to go when the kid unwraps it. IS there any time frame?
Even though Nolan is capping off a trilogy, I feel like he's setting up Batman to really be Batman. I barely remember a quote about the second movie's music, saying that they built up and off of the first movie's music, and that through the series they would build to the iconic theme we've grown accustomed to in the…
I was totally gonna post that. It's just missing the googly eyes.
I hope you're right, I sincerely do. And when we say abuse, it comes down to the controlling thing...abuse can be many things, and can often start as something you might see as trivial, but you have to at least understand, that as strangers looking in, we're all just concerned for you.
I'm sorry, ma'am, but I have to agree with the large sentiment here, but "lostleader" said it most simply, this is a form of abuse. He's not banning you from say, drugs or drinking, because he's concerned for your health, he's banning YOU from enjoying something HE doesn't like. You know what I do when my lady or…
Ditto, I have three wiimotes with motion plus attachments, but having the fourth on hand for the occasional vistor would be nice, and OOOO shiney! I know it's Zelda, but almost every collector/limited/special edition released here recently for a lot of games has languished on the shelves. Maybe they really did make…
Freedom of speech would protect it. At least, I hope...
Chocobo music makes me so SO HAPPY !!! :D
Thank you, Lisa! I loved ALL of those cereals growing up, AND Pac-Man pasta! I love you, Lisa! REALLY! I'll have you're baby for free...you don't even have to be there for the process...and I can't even have babies because I ate too much of the Zelda side of Nintendo Cereal. You can just mail me your eggs. I'll…
But what about the spontaneous combustion article that was on here where the guy looked at his daughter and she was on fire with something like cool blue flames. Or the guy that was vomitting fire? It may still suck. For me, it's the brain activity one. A dream can feel like a long time but only last seconds or…
Number four...and...Clerks?
Thank the gods, I'm not the only one!
The girlfriend and I are wanting to see this, we wanted to take her daughter (12, soon to be 13), the daughter has zero interest. Not to say the kid doesn't love some awesome stuff, she's totally digging the 90's Spider Man cartoon on Netflix and loves playing as Catwoman in the challenge rooms of Arkham City. But…
Re: WALL-E, We've got some pretty fat asses, though. Not purely an American problem, but one that surely originated in America, thank you fast food chains. The mega-corporation in the film is also very much like Wal-Mart.
Since Dame Judi Dench came back, I don't understand why Cleese didn't come back. I was really hoping he would be, and that this "reboot" would further cement the idea that the 00 agent numbers correspond with code name aliases. Oh well, I'm still pretty excited about this new one.
Steam question: Right now I only have my laptop, but purchasing a game from steam, you can then access it from any computer if you're logged in (and download necessary files, etc, but login being key), right? Oddbox, Portal 2, and Mass Effect look might appealing, though I'm not a 100% they'll run on my laptop, but…
Only if you come and get it from my fried, dead hands.
When I very first saw uDraw on the Wii, I was like...huh, Mario Paint. Then I saw the WiiU announced, named, and controller revealed. I harkened back to uDraw immediately and thought uDraw was the first foray into this new controller, what with how it looked and that "u" in the title. But then I saw it's on PS3 and…
That's an awesome dish name, regardless of poisonous conotations.