J.D. Buffington

You forgot midichloranide, it effectively killed the Force!

May I live in this place, or in its vicinity? I have $40 in my wallet right now.

Wow. I gots the chill bumps. I love this show so hard.


Too much interpersonal drama. Plague, and zombies, and surviving should be drama enough without who slept with who.

I've read, here, actors and staff on the show saying they think it can only last for so long and trying to pad it (ahem, Lost) would only muttle the core story. I think, once Peter gets back to where he belongs, closes the gaps in the universe and saves Walter from himself one last time, we will see the end to the

I would think whales would side with us, since they find squid so tasty and regularly do battle with them already. Alas, they are hunted in south Asian seas, we may have multiple warring factions.

I recall a futuristic nature show that showed what Earth might be like some millions/billions of years in the future, and simian-like octopy and squidies were heavily featured. Life imitating art or prophetic vision?

I gotta agree with the major sentiment already stated in the comments, a LOT of America's SMB2 have been held over, with enemies like Pokey, Shy Guy, and Bob-omb making MANY appearences through the franchise's history. Non-Mario Mario games like the sports games, Kart, and Super Smash Bros have all paid heavy respect

In an FPS it is more intuitive, third person over the shoulder, however, notsomuch. But I know I'm in a losing battle here.

That's too many steps and totally unintutive, at least to me. If I can see an enemy on-screen, if there is something in line of sight, and I hit the aim button, I expect it to snap to the enemy. But like I said...that's just me. If you've (and the rest of the gaming community obviously) have become acclimated to

I would like to point out, on the Amazon deal for the posters, I was going to get those two and a handful of 99 cent Who buttons and my total price tag came out to just over 5 bucks...then shipping was $30! Be very careful, those outside vendors listing on Amazon lure you in with good prices and stick it to you on

Well, this may be where our differences lie, because your argument about Keanu is not something I agree with either. Keanu is AN American, but he IS Middle Eastern. Mel Gibson is AN American, be he IS Australian, Schwarzenegger is AN American, be he IS Conan the Barbarian. But all of this argument is very

But he had his powers from the beginning, he didn't earn them, he learned to control them, and the Kents helped him to be more human. He was always an alien superman, but through his upbringing became Superman. He may have known his NAME as Clark Kent for longer than he's known it to be Kal'El, but he didn't get his

Oh, I think they raised him to be the Superman he is, fighting for good, for the little guy, protecting the planet. It was his HUMAN upbringing that makes him such a grand defender of humanity. Truth be told, though, he IS an alien, and Jor'El did his fair share of upbringing as well. Clark Kent IS the costume. I

When you're all but a god, humanity isn't exactly that great anyway. Look at all the petty squabling Superman finds himself having to resolve. Making a weiny alter-ego may also help him remain "grounded" as it were.

Perhaps I didn't give it enough time to get used to, but when a friend let me check out the first Uncharted, I got into my first full-on firefight after finding the submarine, and every time I tried to aim my gun, Drake pointed straight at the ground, without fail, making for utter failure. I spent so much time

Regarding how Cavill plays the two respective characters of the same man, and WHO is actually the alter ego, that makes me think of Carradine's line in Kill Bill Vol 2 when he explains that Clark Kent is actually the costume. Supe's uniform are his Kryptonian clothes, the powers he has are natural to him in this


When they said there would be no Ash, and they were looking to make it more horror, it occurred to me, they are not remaking an Evil Dead, or even rebooting. They're just using the name. The concept of "kids go to a lonely place and experience horror" is not exactly unique to Evil Dead. "Bruce Campbell's Ash fights