J.D. Buffington

Wouldn't Kraven HUNT Sabertooth? How could those two be on a team together? And why is Kraven using a sniper rifle when he likes to fight hand to hand? This is all so WTFLOLBBQ anyway.

Spider-Man 3 could have been a great movie about forgiveness and confidence, it had three intersecting storylines from different but tied together angles in Sand-Man feeling horrible for his past sins but lacking the confidence to move on and forward so remaining a criminal, Harry forgiving Pete/Spidey and having the

It'll be a movie based on Roald Dhal with a surprise comeback by Yahoo Serious.

This, although kinda weak. I got the same feeling from the episode, combined with her being conceived in-flight on the TARDIS, and the TARDIS belting out her cryptic River reference before physically "dying" in the Doctor's Wife, the two are inextricably connected to each other. It's hand-wavery at its best, but

It's John Williams, duh. Star Wars, Indy, HP, and I do have a sweet spot for Jurassic Park's theme...don't know why. When we finally make a dinosaur clone, that shit better be blasting.

Science! It's a breakast now!

I meant the imprint, but your point is pretty lol.

Mortal Kombat: The Movie was rad. Period.

Dammit, Marvel1!! I want a noir Cloak & Dagger! I want Deathlok!!! Give us some Marvel UK and give me my damned Death's Head!!!

Happy to be of service, then! :D

Interestingly, William H. Neukom was also a Duke.

I couldn't help but think the Nic Cage one (and maybe this one) was/is/are viral marketing for Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Killer.

I was thinking foldspace, from Dune.

Now playing

I guess it would help to post 'em again here:

Hey! I posted videos on YouTube! C'mon!!! :P

Exactly, I was hoping XIII Versus would be that back story, to see the bustling metropolis that was hinted at on Pulse crumble under the fal'Cie.

Personally, not a big fan of mmorpg, so I have not played XI or XIV at all, though XIV I thought LOOKED really cool. As far as the property being "damaged," I see there's a lot of sentiment that the last few games are partly responsible. I liked X, X-2, XII, and even XIII (though XIII seemed to rush what I found to

I thought it was obvious after the last episode, the eyepatch allows you to see the Silence and not forget...

Hey, lightly Doctor Who related, I posted this over in the Community thread, but I finally got my Inspector Spacetime skits up: